130 | Research and Innovation
PUBLICATIONS D uring the year under review, faculty of the Cave Hill Campus published 13 books, 42 book chapters, 169 scholarly-reviewed journal articles, two (2) edited journals and 26 technical reports.
O Início do Feminism no Brasil (The Beginnings of Feminism in Brazil ) by Dr Elaine Rocha, Senior Lecturer in the Department of Language, Linguistics and Literature, Faculty of Humanities and Education, is a publication of the founding minutes of the Junta Feminil Pró-Hermes- Wenceslau , a collective created in 1909 in Rio de Janeiro to support the candidacy of Marechal Hermes da Fonseca, for the Presidency of Brazil. The group, led by the teacher and politician Leolinda de Figueiredo Daltro, a pioneer in political activism for women’s rights, gave rise the following year to the Female Republican Party, with political actions aimed at claiming women’s right to vote and for greater female participation in the public sphere. The book is an annotated edition of the original document, that sheds light on the personality of Leolinda Daltro, who was in the spotlight in Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo between the 1890s and 1934. The teacher was an activist for indigenous rights, while she worked in public education for children and young adults. She founded schools, newspapers, a political party and even the first national entity dedicated to the protection of indigenous peoples in Brazil. The book O Início do Feminism no Brasil was published by Daltro during a campaign for women’s voting rights in Brazil, in 1918. This annotated edition is published by the Biblioteca da Câmara, the Brazilian National Library of Congress, as part of the series Feminine Voices , whose intention is to highlight the leadership of women in Brazilian historiography.
Dr Elaine Rocha
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