Research and Innovation | 131
Tourism and Foreign Direct Investment: Issues, Challenges and Prospects by Dr Cristina Jönsson, Lecturer in the Department of Management Studies, Faculty of Social Sciences, is the first volume to examine and shed signifi- cant light on the issues, challenges and prospects presented by foreign direct investment (FDI) in tourism – a topic of increasing relevance in light of the COVID-19 pandemic and economic consequences. This book addresses the need to examine the TFDI phenomenon considering resilient tourism development approaches and includes discussion on impacts of a rapidly evolving global pandemic on tourism. Recognising that its impact on tourism has only just begun, the book includes early estimates of the damage to the tourism economy and TFDI over 2020 and beyond. It considers how the COVID-19 pandemic may change society, the economy, and tourism, and how some of the key research needs to understand these changes and contribute to a more sustainable post-pandemic tourism sector. Through a collection of chapters focusing on principles, practices and a diverse range of destination case studies, the book considers TFDI from the economic, social & environmental and regulatory perspectives. Thus, the book will advance understanding of the positive and negative impacts of TFDI as well as how emerging problems and wider implications for local economies and communities can be managed more sustainably, while also discussing the transformative opportunities offered by TFDI regarding key economic, social and environmental issues. Litérate by Dr Rosana Herrero-Martin, a Lecturer in Hispanic Studies in the Department of Language, Linguistics and Literature, Faculty of Humanities and Education, is an OER (Open Educational Resource) theoretical and prac- tical handbook on the Transformative-Holistic Pedagogical Paradigm Applied to the Spanish as a FL/L2 Literature Class. It is a Spanish coinage in the imperative mood inviting the learner to thrive through her/his unique and non-trans- ferable reading of literature. Together with a theoretical introduction to the transformative-holistic pedagogical approach, the handbook also includes 10 didactic journeys, each focusing on a particular Hispanic literary text, including guidelines for (inter)personal development, literary and sociocultural analysis, second-language practice, as well
Dr Cristina Jönsson
Dr Rosana Herrero-Martin
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