12 | Principal’s Overview
will focus on improving student outcomes such as boosting enrolment, retention and student satisfaction, as well as identifying new ways to diversify and increase revenue. The Campus will do this by investing in initiatives to attract more international students, delivering on the mission of student success, driving excellence in teaching and research, and building a sustainable innovation and entrepreneurial ecosystem. As sustainability underpins all of its strategic priorities, the Campus will implement sustainability initi- atives such as renewable energy ventures to diversify its revenue portfolio. Additionally, as the Campus considers its staff to be critical to its long-term success, it will imple- ment measures to enhance employee engagement and to foster a healthy and safe work environment. Moreover, the Campus will renew its relationships with alumni to inspire volunteer and philanthropic engagement and to diversify its revenue sources. The Campus will invite its alumni into greater roles and engage them as partners in key aspects of university life, including mentoring and career services and educational and networking opportunities. Over the next five years, the Campus will continue with its diverse initiatives to accomplish the strategic goals and objectives within The UWI Triple A Strategic Plan. These initiatives will continue to focus on the development of the Campus’ students and employees, its digital capabilities, financial resilience, and the creation of value from its intel- lectual property. The Campus’ dedication to promoting wider access to higher education will guide its efforts, as will its commitment to creating a sustainable institution.
Enrolment 1 At February 13, 2023, total enrolment stood at 6,423, with 5349 students enrolled in undergraduate programmes (83.3%) and 1074 students enrolled in postgraduate programmes (16.7%). As in previous years, the Faculty of Social Sciences dominated undergraduate enrolment with 2794 students registered, followed by 1150 students in the Faculty of Science and Technology. At the postgrad- uate level, again the Faculty of Social Sciences dominated, with 541 students registered, followed by the Faculty of Humanities and Education with registration of 228 students. With respect to nationalities, Barbados retained its place as the country with the highest percentage of nationals studying at Cave Hill, represented by 85% of undergraduate registration, followed by Trinidad and Tobago with 5%. At the postgraduate level, 78% of the student population were nationals of Barbados, followed by Trinidad and Tobago with 4%. A total of 22 nationalities were represented at the undergraduate level and 26 at the postgraduate level, thereby underscoring the rich diversity of nationalities of students of the Campus. The gender imbalance persisted as in previous years, with females representing 67%, and males 33% of the total student population. Graduation Performance Undergraduate and postgraduate students of the Cave Hill Campus continued to perform commendably. The class of 2021 was recognised at a virtual ceremony, broadcast on UWITV on October 23, 2021. A total of 1405 students were awarded degrees, diplomas and certificates, with 1035 conferred at the undergraduate level and 370 at the post- graduate level. At the undergraduate level, 154 students earned first class honours degrees, 358 students earned upper second class honours, 277, lower second class honours and 167, pass degrees. There were 23 honours and 1 To gain insight into the impact of the efforts of the 2021/2022 academic year, enrolment data is reported for the 2022/2023 academic year.
Ms Iyka Dorival - Valedictorian, Class of 2021
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