16 | Principal’s Overview
Virtual “Visits” to Schools and Colleges Local School Visits During the year under review the SERU organised “virtual visits” to several local schools to promote the Campus and its programmes and to advise prospective students regarding study options and admission requirements suited to their career interests. At some schools these visits also included sessions with parents and sessions for third form students to inform their selection of subjects for study at the CXC CSEC level. Local Fairs The SERU participated in the Virtual Fair held in November 2021 by the Barbados Accreditation Council to showcase accredited institutions, and the two-day National Careers Showcase mounted by the Barbados Association of Guidance Counsellors in March 2022. The SERU also coor- dinated the Campus’ participation in a series of seminars for young persons aged 16 to 24 years, participating in Job Start Plus , the National First Job Initiative organised by the Ministry of Labour, Social Security and the Third Sector. This initiative seeks to prepare young persons for the world of work through a comprehensive training programme. The seminars aimed to inform participants regarding opportuni- ties for further study. The series is ongoing. Regional College Fairs The SERU participated in the Aruba Virtual College Fair for high school students held in November 2021. The Unit also coordinated the Campus’ participation in the Dominica College Fair held virtually on March 2, 2022. The Campus was allocated a two-hour slot to engage with prospective students. Special elements of the Campus’ programme included presentations by two former UWISTAT Ambassadors from Dominica - Lynmarie McCarthy and Tehillah Bannis, entitled My UWI Cave Hill Experience ; and presentations by two current students who joined the session live from their study abroad locations in Canada and the UK, and shared information on the oppor- tunities and benefits of participation in the international exchange programme. President of the Dominica Students’ Association, Austin Bell, spoke on Student Life at Cave Hill .
Classroom Taster in Theatre Promotional Flyer
Virtual Open Weeks and Taster Week Series The SERU coordinated a successful series of Virtual Open Weeks from February to May, 2022. During this period all Faculties were allocated a full week to showcase their programmes and provide prospective students with an insight into life and learning as a student in their respective Faculties. The Faculties took responsibility for planning and organising their own activities, with assistance from SERU and the Office of Marketing and Communications. Among the activities planned were online student-led discussions, student and alumni networking sessions, virtual undergrad- uate and postgraduate information sessions, promotion of student and faculty research, and admission of prospective students to taster lectures. Over 850 persons partici- pated in the sessions, including a number of international prospects. Recordings of many of the sessions were made available online for on-demand viewing following the live sessions. A highlight of the series was the appearance of students and staff from each Faculty on the local live televi- sion programme Mornin’ Barbados, throughout each week. All Faculties were very satisfied with the series and have agreed that it should be offered again in 2022/23.
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