Making a lasting contribution
Enabling the Development of UWISTAT Ambassadors The Alumni and Student Relations Officer continued to support the programmes and activities of the UWI Students Today Alumni Tomorrow (UWISTAT) ambassador corps. A new executive team was inducted virtually by the Vice-Chancellor on February 18, 2022. The Cave Hill Corps was able to accomplish all their planned activities. UWISTAT Cave Hill was named Outreach Club of the Year, and the UWISTAT President was named President of the Year, by the Guild of Students! The Corps’ activities included: 1. A Distinguished Lecture by Dr Colin Depradine, former Dean of the Faculty of Science and Technology, entitled “ The Politicization and Colonization of Science: A Caribbean Perspective” . • The inaugural Frank Worrell Hall Public Speaking Competition. • The Footprints Initiative , the corps’ annual give back activity which was once again very successful. This initiative is undertaken by the Corps across all Campuses. It is designed to encourage student participation in the “act of giving back”, with the hope that it engenders the “act of giving back to Alma Mater”. It also seeks to foster “Pelican Pride” and encourage allegiance to the UWI generally. With the support of Massy Ltd Barbados, hampers were included in the initiative in 2021. Two scholarships worth BBD 500.00 each were awarded to students, along with three grocery hampers. Volunteerism and Community Programming : Despite the restrictions posed by the COVID-19 pandemic during the year, the UWISTAT Executive was able to carry out a number of community give back initiatives. Among these were: • Contributions to the I am a Girl Barbados charity initiative, including hampers of feminine hygiene products • Presentation of food and other items to students on the Campus and presentation of toiletries and food items to a family in need
Vice President of Membership Britney Scott and President Justin John present a hamper to Mashere Jackson
VP Florentville presents a scholarship to recipient Jayde Sokaloo
Presentation of food and other items to students on the Campus
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