26 | Principal’s Overview
Barbados Community College (BCC) Teaching of the elective in Chinese at the Barbados Community College (Barbados Language Centre) started on, March 2, 2022, and was successfully completed on June 3, 2022. The classes were held virtually pending clearance by the Ministry of Education of the BCC for face-to-face teaching. Four students were enrolled in the class, and they provided positive feedback and demonstrated significant progress. At the final class on June 3, the CI presented books to the Barbados Language Centre to assist in the teaching of Chinese language and culture. The evening class for adults and young adults is expected to commence at the start of the 2022-2023 Academic Year. NEW AREAS OF COOPERATION Shridath Ramphal Centre for International Trade Law, Policy and Services (SRC): The course, entitled “Introduction to China’s Trade and Investment Law and Policy”, prepared by SRC Director, Dr Jan-Yves Remy, and Dr Ru Ding, Associate Professor, China University of Political Science and Law (CUPL), is scheduled for delivery from October 11-20, 2022. Faculty of Medical Sciences (FMS): On November 5, 2021, the CI organised a virtual Zoom presentation and demonstra- tion on the subject of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) in collaboration with the Embassy of the People’s Republic of China in Barbados and The Fifth China Medical Team to Barbados. This was in keeping with the MOU between The UWI, Cave Hill Campus and the Chongqing Medical University (CQMU). Under the theme of “Traditional Chinese Medicine Culture”, the event facilitated exten- sive discussions on acupuncture, TCM’s role in preventing and treating COVID-19, and Traditional Chinese Medicine exercises. The presentations covered both ancient Chinese medicine and the revival of the study of Caribbean herbal medicine. The presentations and demonstrations sparked a vibrant exchange of ideas among the audience, resulting in a lively discussion that lasted for over three hours. The entire event was conducted online and was highly successful in promoting the exchange of medical culture. Faculty of Law: Dr Ronnie Yearwood of the Faculty of Law and Associate Professor Yu Meng of the CUPL completed preparations for the course “Commonwealth Caribbean
Law and Legal Systems” and it was approved by the CUPL. Presented online from July 4 to July 18, 2022, the two-week intensive course had 29 enrolled students. According to feedback obtained by the CI, the course was well-received by all students, with approximately 70% of them partici- pating in class discussions. Celebration of the 45 th Anniversary of the Establishment of Diplomatic Relations Between Barbados and the People’s Republic of China Following consultations with the Embassy of China, the CI’s contribution to the celebration 45 th Anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Barbados and the People’s Republic of China, on April 29, 2022, was a presentation entitled “A Journey of 1000 miles Starts with a Single Step – 千里之行始于足下 – Tales of the Teaching of Chinese Language and Culture in Barbados”. The pres- entation was facilitated by the CI’s Culture Club, and featured first-hand accounts of persons engaged in teaching or studying Chinese language and culture over the years. The presentation may be viewed here: https://www.youtube. com/watch?v=eJUrXapoZhw&t=3006s. Ongoing Activities and Programmes with the Faculty of Law Moot Court: The Cave Hill Campus/CUPL Moot Court was held virtually from June 10 to 12, 2022. This was the first time the moot had taken place since 2018 (in 2019, because of logistical issues, the moot was replaced with a debating competition.). The Faculty of Law of the Cave Hill Campus fielded two teams and emerged winners of the competition on the debated topic, “Dispute Between the Republic of Independent Marinnes and the Republic of Tranquilita on Maritime Delimitation”. The win enabled Cave Hill to retain the title and assume a 2-1 lead over the CUPL, which had won the inaugural competition in Barbados in 2017, before losing at home in Beijing to their opponents the following year. LAW 3775 “Introduction to Chinese Law and Institutions”: Dr Yu Meng from the CUPL, has taught this course on two occasions, with the most recent offering during Semester II of the 2021-2022 Academic Year. Once again, the class was fully subscribed, with a total of 26 students in attend- ance. There is general agreement between the Faculty
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