The UWI Cave Hill Campus Annual Report to Council 2021/2022

38 | Principal’s Overview

Global Commodities Forum The Global Commodities Forum (GCF) of UNCTAD 15 was held from September 13-15, 2021, under the theme “Strengthening Resilience in Commodity Dependent Countries”. The Forum, co-chaired by Campus Principal, Professor Clive Landis and Deputy Principal, Professor Winston Moore offered a unique platform to debate issues at the intersection of commodities and development including food, water, fossil fuels and rare earth elements. The GCF provided a platform to shape international policy conversations on commodities by connecting policy makers with practitioners to address the challenges and opportuni- ties for developing countries, particularly those dependent on commodities. The programme comprised an Opening Ceremony; four Expert Panels, moderated by Professor Moore and Ms Margaret Mutesi, Senior Business Journalist from the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC); and a High-level Round Table, moderated by the Professor Landis and Ms Mutesi. In her remarks at the Opening Ceremony, Prime Minister Mottley pointed out that commodity dependency had several dimensions, including challenges such as the provi- sion of clean water, affordable and nutritious food, and access to affordable energy for homes and businesses. She also highlighted the vulnerability of small states to the vagaries of international trade, which could impact their continued access to vital imports such as food supplies. The Expert Panels addressed the four thematic areas of: 1) Food security and smart agriculture: The role of technology and services; 2) Sustainable solutions to address water chal- lenges; 3) The future of oil and gas-dependent countries in an era of energy transition; and 4) Greening mining for a green energy transition. The High-Level Round Table focused on “Strengthening resilience in commodity-dependent countries”. Participants comprised the following: Prime Minister, Dominica; President, Caribbean Development Bank; Deputy Secretary- General, UNCTAD; Secretary General, Commonwealth; Secretary General, Organisation of African, Caribbean and Pacific States; and Head of Division, Latin America and the Caribbean, European Investment Bank.

Campus Principal, Professor Clive Landis (left), introducing Hon Roosevelt Skerrit, Prime Minister of Dominica, at the High-Level Round Table

Deputy Principal, Professor Winston Moore, moderating one of the Expert Panels

The discussions centered around the complex challenges that commodity-dependent countries face and stressed the need for the global community to work together to address them. International partners were urged to provide mean- ingful support to help affected countries overcome their multifaceted vulnerabilities.


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