Internal Operating Processes
ADMINISTRATION D uring the 2021/2022 academic year, Campus Administration sought to ensure that even as processes and procedures were adjusted to support the realities of the COVID-19 environment, that the overall UWI strategic goals were advanced.
The Human Resources Section continued to manage chal- lenges in the work environment implementing relevant programmes and initiatives to support members of staff; the Archives and Records Management Programme (ARMP) advanced the digitisation agenda indexing several thousand records; while Health and Safety measures ensured that relevant Campus policies and practices were kept updated and in compliance with ongoing adjustments to national COVID-19 directives. Efforts to improve the student registration experience continued, and despite the significant challenge to hosting social activities, the campus mounted a calendar of well executed events which served to celebrate and to inspire. Meetings are at the heart of the Campus’ governance and management systems and as social distancing protocols prevented in person deliberations, campus administra- tion assured that statutory requirements in this area were met and that the decision-making process continued to be smooth. Managing Fundamental Shifts in the Work Environment: The Human Resource Section The Human Resources Section continued to manage the fundamental shift in the work environment due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Despite the attenuating challenges, services to employees and external customers were at a high level. The section, in order to assist staff in coping with COVID-19 related issues, organised two workshops related to mental health and change in the workplace. Training was also facilitated in the areas of Performance Management;
Staff engaged during a Performance Management Workshop organised by the Human Resources Section
Leadership Coaching to Promote Gender Justice and Microsoft Office 365. The section was pleased with the development of a Register for Awards, Honours and Public Service into which it made significant input. In terms of onboarding, the staff orientation for Academic, Senior Administrative and Professional Staff was conducted virtually for the first time. The Human Resources Section continued to review its processes with an aim to increasing efficiency.
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