Teaching, Learning and Student Development | 79
Beyond the Classroom: Other Forms of Support for Students There is an awareness that teaching and learning can be adversely impacted by other factors beyond the classroom, some of which may include financial hardship, psycholog- ical, emotional and social issues. During the year under review, the Cave Hill Campus continued to provide our students with support in these critical areas, and much of this support, through various initiatives, was spearheaded by and delivered through the Office of Student Services and Development.
Table 8: Financial Assistance Provided to Students in Academic Year 2021/2022 Number of Students Resources/Safety Net Amount BBD 31 Amenity fees – Barbadian Fund 20,600.00 3 Regional Endowment Fund (UWIREF) 20,894.27 8 Adopt-A-Student 6,500.00 9 Student Hardship 8,872.25 2 Donation 5,100.00 3 UWI Toronto Gala Scotiabank Scholarship 14,450.49 2 AFUWI 12,171.42 1 Special Waiver 2,250.00 5 CCRIF COVID Relief Fund 25,238.75 25 Grocery Packages – Living Water Community - 3 Technological Aid – (Loaners) - TOTAL 116,077.18 Improvements in Financial Aid Application Process An initiative was undertaken to improve internal processes to enhance the Financial Aid application process. Members of the Financial Aid Committee worked with the Enterprise System Support Unit (ESSU) to develop a client management system to support the application process for Financial Aid. This is a student success tool that served the purpose of centralising and managing student information for decision making to address student financial wellbeing.
Student Funds The financial wellbeing of students continued to be priori- tised. Many of the financial challenges of students related to housing security and an inability to pay tuition and univer- sity fees. The level of assistance extended to students through the Student Hardship and Adopt-A-Student Funds continued to increase and was of significance. Assistance continued to be funded through multiple forms of support which included but were not limited to the Adopt-a- Student fund, Student Hardship funds, the UWI Toronto Gala Scotiabank Scholarship, the fund to assist Barbadian students, and philanthropic support from the Living Water community which donated care packages monthly. Student development funding was undertaken by the Office of Business Development with relative success. In Semester II, a new donor, the Peter and Jan Boos Foundation awarded multiple students with funding. For the academic year, 67 students received financial assis- tance in various forms. Just over 65% of those recipients were Barbadian with the remaining students from the region. The records show that students were affected at varying levels of their study programmes due to hardships related to the economic climate. The amount of monetary assistance extended to students during this period was a total of BBD 116,077.18 , in addition to other forms of tangible support detailed in Table 8.
Staff Supported Fund and Scholarships During the period, faculty led initiatives were developed to provide financial support to students. The Faculty of Science and Technology created a Scholarship Fund, supported solely by contributions from the academic and Administrative, Technical and Service (ATS) staff of the Faculty. It was implemented to provide an annual full schol- arship and bursaries for students experiencing economic hardship while pursuing studies in the Faculty.
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