King's Business - 1948-08

has wrought in answer to believing prayer, for Geraldine will be speaking to various groups engaged in missionary endeavor. Agnes Scott Kent ’21, who has charge of the column “ The Sign of the Fig Tree” in The Evangelical Christian, official publication of the great Sudan Interior Mission, in a recent article in that mag­ azine thanks the many who have prayed for her recovery from her recent illness. Biola Family Circle has reason to rejoice that one of their number has been so widely used of God in her presentation of Jewish life and work at home and abroad. According to Miss Kent, “ The task is one which is becoming increasing­ ly. difficult because of increasing com­ plexity of the entire Jewish situation.” After a happy furlough in California and Canada, Allan G. ’24, P.G. ’25, and Marjorie Phair McIntosh, E.S., are pre­ paring to return to Africa, where they have been working under the Africa In­ land Mission for the past twenty years. Their three older daughters, Janet, Mar­ jorie Rose and Catherine, will remain in the States to continue their education. They will make their home with Myrtle ’27 and Grace Burton, who live at 4301 Hawk St., San Diego, where they will attend State College and High School. Their youngest daughter, Myrtle, will accompany them to Africa. The need of thousands of scattered native believers in little isolated groups throughout the territory with no one to shepherd them is an urgent call. The Master Builder has promised “ I will build my church” and the Mclntoshes have had the great privilege of seeing Him at work calling many from heathenism to become stones in that wonderful building. Their desire is to help Him in this great task. These faithful witnesses say that during the years that are past they have seen the

W edding Bells JUNE, the month of weddings, brought its share to Biola alumni, students and former students. JUNE 11: Donald Boland Anderson—Charlotte Bose McCord; Friends Community Church, Ingle­ wood, Calif. John Bragdon Munroe—Hilda Mary Harms; First Baptist Church, Van Nuys, Calif. Martin Charles Soper—Virginia Ines Jackson; Community Covenant Church, Eagle Bock, Calif. JUNE 12: Hugh Adams—Bamona Swiger; Silver Acres, Calif. Theodore DuBois Biggs—Marie Clara Bamseier; Highland Park Baptist Church, Los Angeles, Calif. JUNE 13: Eugene C. Eymann, Jr.—Laura Mae Buckingham; Fremont Baptist Church, Los Angeles, Calif. JUNE 14: Kenneth Badach—Gloria Mae Mendenhall; Calvary Church, Santa Ana, Calif. JUNE 15: Marion I. Daniels— Elizabeth Louise Wickizer; First Baptist Church, Shelton, Wash. James Mitchell Weber—Dorothy Fern Tyler; First Baptist Church, Tucson, Ariz. JUNE 17: John Buland Siemens—Cornelia Marie Schilperoort; Bell Baptist Church, Bell, Calif. JUNE 18: Billie Asher Adams—Barbara Dolores Martin; First Baptist Church, Wilmington, Calif. Clifford William Kinkead—Lou Ellen Archer; First Baptist Church, Baldwin Park, Calif. JUNE 25. Kenneth Lee Chick—Marilyn Joy H ill; East Side Christian Church, Long Beach, Calif. James Alexander Sanders—Margaret Lucy Bascom; San Gabriel Union Church, San Gabriel, Calif. JUNE 29: Charles Bichard Matthews—Evelyn Grace Ballantyne; Mission Covenant Church,vMissoula, Mont. JUNE 30: Calvin Tracy Hibbard—Cornelia Jean Hettema; Calvary Baptist Church, Larkspur, Calif. JULY 2: Charles W. Pio-—Marjorie Kath­ leen Lampman; Lents Baptist Church, Portland, Ore. William G. Tapsfield, Jr.—Mildred Gills; Bethel Baptist Church, Salt Lake City, Utah. JULY 10: Frederick B. Toy—Evelyn Lois Brandt; Mennonite Brethren Church, Beedley, Calif. JULY 17: George W. Nolen—Margie La Cross; Buena Memorial Presbyterian Church, Chicago, 111. Lord get them over, under or around so many mountains of difficulties that they enjoy watching Him do miracles for them and their field. “He will per­ fect that which concerneth me.” The family now resides in the Church of the Open Door Missionary Court located at 1517 Rock Glen Ave., Glendale 5, Calif. Mrs. McIntosh (Margie, to all of us) has been employed for the past several months in the office of the Church of the Open Door, where she spent a num­ ber of years before her marriage, while in preparation for missionary service. Their field address will be Rethy, Nioka, Congo Beige, Africa.

“ With joy shall ye draw water out of the wells of salvation. And in that day shall ye say, Praise the Lord, call upon his name, declare his doings among the people, make mention that his name is exalted ” (Isa. 12:8, U). Rev. A. J. Anderson ’23, ’24, Dean of the Central American Bible Institute in Guatemala City, was invited recently to participate in a conference in Palestina which was a time of refreshing for spirit and body. Less than two years ago this little chapel was a wayside Roman temple. Through the preaching of the gospel, the owner was converted. The two niches in the front of the building formerly bore the images of two idols, whereas now they are bare, to the glory of God! Don Jose is bearing a good testi­ mony for Christ; his wife was among those who accepted the Lord in this recent conference. Herbert W. Cassel, ’26, ’27, Managua, Nicaragua, C.A., speaks of a recent mis­ sionary tour which brought him on Sun­ day morning into a home where they were celebrating the golden wedding an­ niversary with all the children, grand­ children .and great grandchildren pres­ ent in the Sunday School which this elderly couple had established. The old gentleman was converted forty years ago and has never ceased to preach a crucified Christ. As a result of his faith­ ful testimony, nearly every member of his family has been converted; the Sun­ day School meets Sunday morning and, with the addition of several neighbors, numbers an average attendance of thirty. Geraldine J. Hinote ’32 may be reached at 1034 W. 3rd St., Pomona, Calif. On March 17th, 1948, she arrived home on the freighter S. S. Rowanbank from Port Sudan. Imagine the excitement of being at home with loved ones after such a long journey, and four years’ absence on the field, with dozens of questions to ask and answer, and yet taking time out to send greetings to classmates and friends in the homeland the very day of arrival! Geraldine is planning many happy days ahead greeting Biola friends, and asks prayer for those who remain on the field where the weather is very hot just now. In time we shall hear of great and wonderful things the Lord Page Sixteen



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Left to right: Back row, Janet, Marjorie Rose, Catherine; in front, Mr. McIntosh, Myrtle, Mrs. McIntosh. TH E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

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