King's Business - 1948-08

FRUIT O F THE "FREE FUND" The following letter shows how much good your contributions to our Free Fund for missionaries and Christian workers are doing: Praha XVI

Wha t Do You W an t to do with you r life . . . be a TEACHER, DOCTOR, DENTIST,

MINISTER, MISSIONARY, SINGER? SEATTLE PACIFIC COLLEGE can help you. Seattle Pacific a Christian college with FIVE PROFESSIONAL SCHOOLS—Education, Music, Nursing, Religion, Missions. It has full state and regional accreditation and offers majors in religion and Christian Education. Also departments for pre-professional and voca­ tional training. Catalog free on request. Write today. C. Hoyt Watson, A.M., LL.D., President SEATTLE PACIFIC COLLEGE Seattle 99, Washington G R A C E T H E O L O G IC A L S EM IN A R Y A standard theological school where the whole Word of God is honored and the high academic demands of Christian Scholarship are directed toward a practical Christian Ministry, with the following purposes and ideals: A Bible-centered Curriculum A Competent and Believing Scholarship A Missionary and Evangelistic Devotion A Spirit-filled and Separated Life A Premillennial Hope and Viewpoint A Spiritual and Prayer-charged Environment An Expository Preaching and Teaching Ministry Courses lead to recognized theological degrees, and are open to all worthy and properly qualified students. No tuition charges. Approved by Indiana Department of Education for the training of Veterans. Fall semester opens September 10. Alva J. McClain, President Herman A. Hoyt, Registrar W INONA LAKE, INDIANA FAITHTHEOLOGICALSEMINARY W I LM I NGT ON . DELAWARE For the word of God. and for the testimony of Jesus Christ i E x r p p t t o n a l ^ t a n i i a r h s

Zborovska 27 Czechoslovakia May 7, 1948

The King’s Business 558 S. Hope Street Los Angeles 13, California Dear Friends in Christ:

I have received several issues of the King’s Business evidently as a gift from someone. If you should have a record of who subscribed for me, I would be happy to have the address so that I could thank the person.

Miss Mildred Droppa The magazine has been such a blessing to me and then to others as I pass the copies on to others when I finish with them. There is so little in the way of good Christian literature here, that those who can read English are so happy to read of what is happening in Christian circles throughout the world. As you know, we are kept in darkness, and lit­ tle in the way of outside reading matter is permitted to enter the country. If I could continue getting the magazineI would be deeply grateful.* I am Child Evangelism Director for the Republic. God has been opening up marvelous opportunities of getting the gospel to the children of Czechoslovakia. At present I am in eastern CSR right on the Polish frontier. A revival has been going on here for the past 40 years, and has never stopped. This afternoon some 150 believers interested in the sal­ vation of the children gathered together, and we look to the Lord for a harvest of souls, not only here, but in Poland, as the message gets in through these be­ lievers. So far religious freedom has not been interfered with; the greatest opposition continues to come from the Catholic church. God bless all your efforts to get the gospel to the ends of the earth. Sincerely in Christ, Mildred M. Droppa C.E.F. Director for CSR T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

In the words of its charter, “ F aith T heological S em inary is to train thoroughly furnished and consecrated leadership for the Church of Christ. In every phase of its work, the highest possible standards of scholarship are to be maintained. Its graduates are to be well .fitted to defend the full truthful­ ness of the W ord of God. against all attacks of modern infidelity or natur­ alism, and to interpret it in the light of careful and accurate study of its words in the original languages.” “ The system of doctrine contained in the Scriptures, and expounded in the historic Westminster Confession of Faith and Catechisms, shall form the basis of the instruction.” The library of over 7,000 volumes, carefully selected for the specialized work of the Seminary, is being con­ stantly augmented by interested friends. During the past summer, it has been immeasur- ably enriched by fortunate European purchases under the personal supervision of Dr. MacRae.

For complete details of other phases of Seminary life and work, please write direct to The Registrar, 1303'fC Delaware Avenue, Wilmington 19, Delaware.

The first dormitory occupied by students of Faith, now the prop­ erty of the Seminary. One of the homelike living rooms where close association often produces life-long friendships.


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