King's Business - 1948-08

tian should look to the Holy Spirit to reveal the line of training that he should pursue and the field of service in which it is to be exercised for the Lord. We do not know in our younger days what is best suited for us or what we are best equipped to do. We must depend upon the Spirit of God for that direction. Our Purpose in Business Titus 3:14 Each person should decide what line of work he will follow for a daily liv­ ing. The Holy Spirit knows what each one is best able to do and if we wait on Him, He will reveal it. Some will work better with their hands than with their heads. Some will be able to manage their own business while others must work always for another. Only the Lord of the harvest knows our possibilities. Let us walk with God, study His Word, and wait upon Him for this guidance. Our Purpose in God’s Service Titus 2:9 We must decide whether we will en­ ter business and serve the Lord eve­ nings, Sundays, and holidays, or whether we will enter Christian service in some form and let all of our work be in Chris­ tian activities. Missionaries are needed in the homeland and on the foreign field. Even some of these are self-sup­ porting as they labor in secular work. Having decided which path we will take, then our study and training should be along that line. We may depend upon the Lord; the Spirit, to direct us into His own paths. Our Purpose in Public Life Matt. 10:32 It is always well to take a stand fear­ lessly, openly, and constantly on the side of the Lord Jesus Christ. It should be our aim and object to do so whether in school or in business. We should adver­ tise the Lord Jesus in every possible way. We should plan definitely on being known as separated Christians, devoted to the absent Lord and occupied with His interests. This should be true wheth­ er we are in the ministry or in secular work. We shall be far more profitable to God and to man if we do so. Our Own Purposes Rom. 14:5-8 We must live with ourselves in the home and abroad. We never can get away from ourselves. We are unavoid­ able to us. We cannot evade meeting ourselves constantly. Therefore, it should be our purpose to live peaceably with ourselves. The battle between the flesh and the' spirit should be an easy one when the Holy Spirit has control. The battle between light and darkness should not be difficult if we decide to walk in the light as children of light. Let it be our purpose to be honest with ourselves.

ONE TITHE WASN'T ENOUGH! (Continued from Page 11)

$5.00 to missions, changed it to $20.00. A Christian business man first handed me $10.00 for the foreign field; then he came back with $50.00; and finally he returned with another $100.00! At the close of a service in a large church where I had told of the Lord’s dealings with me in regard to giving, the pastor joyfully reported that two influential members were going to begin tithing at once. These incidents have been multi­ plied. I often wonder if those who are giving only a tenth feel it at all, if there is any sacrifice to them in such giving. If not, how can they say that they are wholly surrendered to God, that they love God with their hearts, and care for

lost souls for whom Christ died? If the windows of heaven have not been opening to pour out a blessing for you, can it be that it is because you have not been bringing the tithes into the storehouse, according to Malachi 3:10? The Lord says plainly, “ Return unto me, and I will return unto you . . . But ye said, Wherein shall we return? Will a man rob God? Yet ye have robbed me. But ye say, Wherein have we robbed thee? In tithes and offerings” (Mai. 3:7, 8). Certainly if we thus rob God, we rob ourselves at the same time of one of the richest experiences it is pos­ sible to know on earth. No, one tithe wasn’t enough for me. Is it for you? ')

Conference of P a c ific N - W District Mission» aries at Seattle, Wash. Nearly ISO of these con­ secrated men serve fu ll­ time throughout the na­ tion, supervised by nine Superintendents and the. Secretary of Missions.

North Central District Conference of A .S.S.U . Missionaries at Columbus, Ohio. At right, I. to r., retired Missionaries Rankin and Weaver, with retiring District Superintendent Kerhli. These veterans have given a total of 147 years’ service to the work.



A fter a life-time of service, a retired Union missionary writes that, in the State of New Mexico alone, he was used in planting some 330 Sunday Schools on the plains, in the moun­ tains, in mining camps and in lumber' camps.. On one occasion in the Pecos Valley he noted an abandoned Mexican church building. Finding a Mexican as an interpreter, the two men located sixteen Mexican protestants nearby. After renovating the old' building they organized a Sunday School of fourteen members, representing various de­ nominations. "That was nearly thirty years ago,” he continues, "and the good work is still going on. The church organization has been revived, and more recently the building has been nicely decorated and repaired.’* He says: "We once gave a Spanish New Testament to a bright young Mexican lad. He read and re-read it, became a Christian, joined an American church, and was Secretary of the Sunday School. Having a passion for souls, he organized an afternoon Sunday School in his own home, and later a weekly prayer meeting. To­ day an active Mexican church is the outcome of the giving of that Spanish Testament. “ The Gospel seed sown among these ap* preciative Mexican people, he declares, fell on good ground, and we now have a dozen Mexican protestant Churches and Sunday Schools in the Pecos Valley area. These people rejoice with gratitude that the Truth has broken in upon them and brought joy, comfort and peace.” A young man has recently been commissioned for service as a new missionary in New Mexico.

Evangelical in purpose, non** sectarian in method, and true to the Word of God, un- reached rural America ^is the chosen field of the A/S.S.U. We establish Sunday Schools, Daily Vacation Bible Schools, and Young Peoples Societies; and arrange Youth Bible Con-* ferences and Summer Camps for the training of Christian workers. We also conduct home visitation and render community welfare aid to the otherwise unreached. Wherever we work, we stress regenera­ tion as the only real founda­ tion for the sort of Christian character so sorely needed by the Nation and the world today.

AMERICAN- Sunday School Union

You may become a sponsoring friend of this constructive Christian wor\. For full informa - tion, write direct to Department of Missions, 1816'IC Chestnut Street, Philadelphia 3, Pa.

Send $1.00 with the names and addresses of 10 of your friends to whom sample copies of the King's Business will be promptly mailed.



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