King's Business - 1948-08

they went to various cities, they taught the Christians and led others to the Lord Jesus each day. Shortly before Paul died for the sake of Christ, he wrote a letter to Timothy* whom he called his “ dearly beloved son.” This is the last letter we have which the great missionary wrote. In it Paul thanked God that he had prayed day and night for Timothy. He told Timothy how much he longed to see him, and re­ minded him of the faith of Timothy’s grandmother, Lois, and his mother, Eunice. He asked Timothy to keep faith­ ful in his Christian life: “ But continue thou in the things which thou hast learned and hast been assured of, know­ ing of whom thou hast learned them; And that from a child thou hast known the holy scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus.” Timothy’s grandmother and his mother surely were grateful as they watched Timothy serving his Lord, and that they had faithfully taught him God’s Word in their home. Homes where the entire family reads and loves God’s Word together are truly happy homes. Boys and girls enjoy fairy tales, nursery stories, and so forth, but the stories from the Bible bring a spe­ cial joy, for they are all true. Boys and girls who hide God’s Word in their hearts will not sin as will other boys and girls. Someone said about the Bible, “ Sin will keep you from this Book; this Book will keep you from sin.” As Chris­ tians read God’s Word they should pray with the Psalmist, “ Open thou mine eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of thy law.” The Holy Spirit shows to Christians wonderful truths that others cannot see as they read God’s Word. He will also bring verses to the minds of Christians as they are needed. Those who study and memorize God’s Word when they are young will re­ joice all of their lives because of the joy and the comfort which His promises and commandments bring them.

and keeping rules is the happiest and the fairest way for all. Every group must have its list of “ do’s” and “don’ts.” Christians should joyfully obey the laws and the rules of the groups to which they belong as long as these laws and rules do not force them to do something contrary to God’s Word. Paul said, “ Obey them that have the rule over you” (Heb. 13:17a). Only those who obey God’s laws and men’s laws are truly happy Christians.

them to leave the missionaries alone. They might have been killed if the town clerk had not had the courage to speak to them and to remind them of the laws of their city. God’s Word says, “He that keepeth the law, happy is he.” Some people com­ plain about the laws of their city, na­ tion, school, or home. What confusion there would be in any one of these groups if everyone were allowed to do exactly as he pleased! Obeying laws

September 26, 1948 MAKING GOOD FAMILY TRADITIONS Acts 16:1-5; 2 Tim. 1:3-6; 3:14, 15

God Urges Persistence in Bible Truth (2 Tim. 3:14, 15) In the last days, many will be turned away from the truth. False doctrine will be prevalent. But, through Timothy, the Apostle urges all true believers to continue in the unchanging truth of God’s Word. It is not enough that they receive it at the time of salvation; they must persevere in it. By so doing, they give true evidence that they are the real disciples of Christ. We ought not be “children, tossed to and fro, and car­ ried about with every wind of doctrine” (Eph. 4:14). Neither should we be “carried about with divers and strange doctrines. For it is a good thing that the heart be established with grace” (Heb. 13:9).

Pointers on the Lesson The family is the most important unit in society. A Christian family is the very “ salt of the earth.” The lesson of this week sets before us just such a family and shows the influence it bore. A believing grandmother, a mother, and a son appear before us. The influence of this home extends through the centuries. It has blessed the church and the world. What took place in the home of Lois and Eunice can be duplicated in thou­ sands of homes. The lesson suggests the responsibility of parents for a proper training of their children. What a bless­ ing have been the Timothys of the world! God Uses Men of Good Report (Acts 16:1-5) Following his conversion under Paul’s ministry (1 Tim. 1:2), Timothy lived a consistent Christian life. It was of such character that it was recognized by all who came in contact with him. He “was well reported of by the brethren.” One of the qualifications of elders is that they be men of “good report” (1 Tim. 3:7). But whether a man is an elder or not, if his testimony is to be what God wants it to be, he must be a man of good reputation. As a matter of expediency, Timothy willingly submitted to the rite of cir­ cumcision, although of course, the rite was not binding in the new dispensation and had no part in any one’s salvation. Paul had been impressed with the sincere faith that was in the hearts of Timothy, his grandmother and his mother. He thanked God for it and longed for a renewal of fellowship with his spiritual son, Timothy. But here is a hint to the effect that Timothy had not been exercising his faith to the full­ est extent. He may have become a bit careless in using his abilities and oppor­ tunities for the Lord. Hence Paul ex­ horted him to “ stir up the gift of God” which was in him. He needed to rekindle the flame, to revive the spark which was already in him but was slumbering just a bit. Doubtless all of God’s servants need to do a little stirring of the fire, a little fanning of the flame again and again lest their service for the Lord be less than'it ought to be. God Expects Active Faith (2 Tim. 1:3-6)

Helps for the Children At Timothy’s House (Acts 16:1-5; 2 Timothy 1:3-6; 3:14, 15)

Memory Verse: “Thy word have I hid in my heart, that I might not sin against thee” (Psalm 119:11). During Paul’s second missionary journey, he met Timothy, a young con­ vert who was well spoken of by other Christians. Paul asked Timothy to go with him as he preached the gospel. As



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