King's Business - 1948-08



(Continued from Page H ) I said, “ Thank God for what? For a change through Christian Science?” The leader gave me to understand that the change through Christian Science was a step Godward; but if I understand my Bible, it was a step towards pagan­ ism. A man who is changed or who re­ ceives any kind of benefit from a system like Christian Science is always harder to reach with the gospel than he was before the change took place. I pointed out -that all false cults that are now flourishing—growing because the great multitudes are untaught in the funda­ mental principles of saving faith—such as Theosophy, New Thought, Bahaism, Ethicalism, and Unitarianism, all teach righteousness; “be kind, be sweet, be good, pay your debts, be a good father, a good mother, a good citizen,” etc. But there is in them no demand for an in­ ward change (the new creation men­ tioned in 2 Cor. 5:17), no requirement for faith in the Christ who died for our sins and rose again for our justification. I do not care what a system does for a man, or to what degree it may change him, if that system denies the funda­ mental principles of saving faith, or if it ignores them, or remains passive and gives no place to them in the public ut­ terances of its leaders, that system is not of God. In a word, to my mind, the Oxford Movement is a bundle of “wheat and tares,” made up of men who believe the fundamentals of faith and those who do ■not know what it is all about, and they are able to get along as well as they seemingly do because there is no doc­ trinal basis on which the Movement is based. The Twentieth Century does not need a new message. It needs the message of Peter, Paul, John Knox, Moody, Chapman, preached with a passion and in the power of the Holy Ghost. True, many so-called fundamental churches are dead, but no new message will revive them. There can be no new message. The Apostle Paul has pro­ nounced an anathema upon any, though he be an angel from heaven, who at­ tempts to preach “ another gospel.” The need of the human heart has not been changed one whit by education, civiliza­ tion, or ecclesiastical refinement. What we need, what we have always needed, and will need until the coming of the Lord Himself is a message which gives to Christ and His cross the central and paramount position, which views sin as God views it as exceedingly sinful, and which accepts the Word of God as the infallible rule of faith and practice. Such a message is the gospel of the grace of God, and when preached in the power of the Holy Ghost, it opens the gates of heaven to men and women dead in trespasses and sin. What new message can do as much? T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

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TO BE FOREWARNED IS TO BE FOREARMED! Read Dr. Talbot's Discerning Article on Page 12.

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