6.Prioritized Results ______________________________________________________ Now you must make a determination as to what brand personas and Leadership competencies will help you reach your goals. Look back at all the data in the previous six sections of this report and make a list below of those brand personas, leadership competencies and strengths that are:
This data is meant to help you make priorities that will support your career or business goals.
1. 2. 3.
Authentic to you Differentiating from your peers Relevant and compelling to the people who will help you expand your success
Brand Personas
Leadership Competencies
Team Role
Questions for you:
How can you incorporate your strengths, competencies and personas into what you do every day?
Also take a look at the weaknesses that were identified. Will any of these weaknesses get in the way of your success? If so, what do you need to do to eliminate this weakness (i.e. take a class, hire a career coach, talk to your mentor).
Whats the one most important insight your have gained from this survey?
If you are having trouble answering these questions, speak with your coach or mentor.
Reach Communications Consulting, Inc
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