Wendy Satchwell | Little Botanicals


‘Little Botanicals’ was born out of my love for nature and flowers with their wonderful shapes and colours. The way nature can so effortlessly blend colour and form to paint the perfect picture within its own surroundings. This new collection is divided into four chapters;

Little Botanicals Little Water Flowers Small Places Tiny Landscapes

‘Little Botanicals’ is born from my love of flowers, taking inspiration from early Victorian watercolour studies. ‘Little Water Flowers’ takes inspiration from the water lily paintings created by Claude Monet. ‘Small Places’ is based on purely abstract backgrounds which lay the foundation to produce a recognisable and real landscape by incorporating the organic and natural shapes into the composition. The landscape slowly and subtly reveals itself to the viewer with small flowers flowing gently throughout the painting. ‘Tiny Landscapes’ are created on a foundation of marbling which is a traditional technique infused with a very contemporary twist, with inspiration from the artist Gustav Klimt.

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