autism and Asperger’s Syndrome right alongside their neuro-typical peers. Reaching and teaching these students requires a delicate balancing act of understanding how their brains are wired and helping them turn challenges into opportunities in the classroom. TEACHING STUDENTS WITH LEARNING DISABILITIES Fee: $129 Whether you’re already in the classroom, studying for the Praxis Special Education exam, or getting ready to work with students, this course prepares you to empower your learning disabled kids. Learn to successfully meet their diverse needs and discover easy, practical, and creative strategies that help your struggling students find their light bulb moments. THE SECRETS TO SOLVING CLASSROOM DISCIPLINE PROBLEMS Fee: $129 Why do some teachers enjoy peaceful, orderly classrooms, while others face daily discipline battles? The answer is that many teachers have not been taught the secrets to solving discipline problems. Learn a step-by-step approach to effective, positive classroom discipline.
SINGAPORE MATH: NUMBER SENSE AND COMPUTATIONAL STRATEGIES Fee: $129 Singaporean students have been top mathematics performers for more than a decade. Using a layered curriculum founded on solid number sense and concrete, pictorial, and abstract computational strategies, Singaporean teachers make math purposeful, interesting, and relevant. Learn their secrets and come away knowing how to have meaningful math lessons in your classroom. Fee: $129 In this professional development course for teachers, you’ll get the training needed to start teaching model drawing, the powerful Singa- pore math strategy that gives word problems a visual context. Help your students start to enjoy math in a way they may never have before. SOLVING CLASSROOM DISCIPLINE PROBLEMS Fee: $129 SINGAPORE MATH STRATEGIES: MODEL DRAWING FOR GRADES 1-6 Why do some teachers enjoy peaceful, orderly classrooms while other teachers face daily discipline battles? Many teachers have not been taught the secrets to solving discipline problems. Discover those secrets and a step-by-step approach to effective, positive classroom discipline. Teachers continually rate this course as one Fee: $129 Are you a new teacher anxious about entering your first classroom? Whether you’re already teaching, a newly credentialed graduate, or a substitute looking to transition to full-time, you can learn all the time- tested tools, tips, and tricks needed to make your early years in the classroom a breeze. TEACHING MATH: GRADES 4-6 Fee: $129 Get your students excited about math. Learn easy, inexpensive, and creative strategies to help them conquer fractions, multiplication, division, and more. This course helps new teachers–and seasoned pros–reinvent their math teaching. TEACHING STUDENTS WITH ADHD Fee: $129 of the most valuable they have ever taken. SURVIVAL KIT FOR NEW TEACHERS Discover practical ways to help children with ADHD control their behavior and succeed in school. Learn from the real experts… the children themselves. Discover how Kristi controls her behavior and how Wanda handles boredom. See how Adam jump-starts his thought processes, how Harry satisfies his need to move without bothering his teacher, and how Darren aces his homework. TEACHING STUDENTS WITH AUTISM: STRATEGIES FOR SUCCESS Fee: $129 Have you had a student who blurted out in class, screamed when someone patted his or her shoulder, or rocked back and forth in the chair? Just 20 years ago, we didn’t see students with autism in our classrooms. But today, we teach children with high-functioning
Web Page/Website Design BLOGGING AND PODCASTING FOR BEGINNERS Fee: $129 Learn how to create, manage, and promote your own blog, wiki, and audio and video podcast. Each of these amazing Web 2.0 tools pro- vides a chance to interact, share ideas, and collaborate with others from home, at work, or in a classroom. (Software installation will be provided at the first class.) CREATING WEB PAGES - HTML Fee: $129 Learn the fundamentals of web design. Plan the content, structure, and layout; create pages full of neatly formatted text; build links between the pages and to other sites; and add color, backgrounds, graphics, tables, hot buttons, and animation. Discover how to secure the best possible location in search engine listings and no- or low-cost web marketing strategies. Information shared about how to save time with a HTML authoring program. INTRODUCTION TO CSS3 AND HTML5 Fee: $129 Learn to create state-of-the-art websites using modern CSS3 and HTML5 techniques. Take your existing HTML skills to the next level and start building sites like the pros. If you want to survive and excel in the fast-paced world of web publishing, you need to keep up with ever-evolving standards. The new standard for web developers is to use CSS3 and HTML5.
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