CE - Summer 2023

Workforce Solutions for Business and Industry

Comprehensive Services If you don’t see what you’re looking for, ask us! Industr̰ ষ S ˫ȹȭɠиȭ Training Business and professional services Health care Information technology Manufacturing Transportation and logistics Tr Ȋɠʘɠʘɓ›˫̂ ɠʬʘ˷঒ Professional Skill Development Business writing Communication skills Customer service Food safety Soft-skills development Time management Working in teams Workplace English (ESL) Leadership/Supervisory Skills Building teams Change management Coaching and mentoring


ntense global competition, emerging technologies, and rapidly changing marketplaces demand ongoing employee training and development. Since 1982, Oakton Community College has partnered with hundreds of businesses and organizations to provide practical education that improves technical, management, and leadership skills. ›Ȋɾ̂ ʬʘʬЎȹˮ˷Ȋɒ̋ ʃʃˮȊʘɓȹʬɒȭʬ˷̂ ষȹЎ ective, high-quality training solutions that can be delivered at a wide variety of locations. An experienced team of consultants, trainers, and program managers develops programs that enhance employee skills and knowledge to drive business results. ȇȹ›Ȋɾ̂ ʬʘȊȳ̩ Ȋʘ̂ Ȋɓȹ঒ Value ষЎʬˮȳȊȬʃȹȭʬ̋ ˮ˷ȹ˷Ȋʘȳ̪ ʬ rkshops stretch your training dollars and HR capacity. Quality ষ T ʬ˫ষʘʬ̂ ȭɛɠʘ˷̂ ructors bring professional expertise to the classroom, ensuring desired outcomes. Flexibility ষ Training is available during the day, evening, or weekend— on site, at the Des Plaines and Skokie campuses, or other convenient venues. Customized ষ Curriculum and training programs are tailored to meet ˷˫ȹȭɠиȭȬ̋ ˷ɠʘȹ˷˷ʘȹȹȳ˷ঐ Proven Results ষ0Ўȹȭ̂ ɠ̩ ȹ̂ ˮȊɠʘɠʘɓȊʘȳ evaluation tools provide practical skills your employees can immediately apply in the workplace.

Conflict resolution Negotiation skills Diversity and inclusion

Employee health and wellness Remote team management Delegating Change management Coaching and mentoring Enhancing supervisory skills

Learn more at www.oakton.edu/workforce, email workforcesolutions@oakton.edu, or call णटढ঳डञठ঳जटटढ .

Register online oakton.edu/conted 39

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