CE - Summer 2023

Tuition and Fees *

Acceptable documentation includes a valid Illinois driver’s license or Illinois State ID, or two current bank statements or utility bills. Additional proof may be requested at the discretion of the college. Please contact us at 847.982.9888 for additional information and instructions on how to submit documentation. Residents of Oakton’s district who are 65 or older whose annual household income is less than the threshold amount provided in Section 4 of the “Senior Citizens and Disabled Persons Property Tax Relief and Pharmaceutical Assistant Act” may enroll without payment of tuition in regularly scheduled “A” coded (i.e., TEC A19-01) courses provided that available classroom space exists, and tuition-paying students enrolled constitute the minimum number required for the course. Proof of age and a signed declaration of annual income are required at the time of registration. Completion of a waiver request form is necessary with each registration. Tuition - Tuition and fees are as low as operating costs and state law permits and are subject to change without notice. Tuition is the same for both in- and out-of-district residents and does not include the cost of textbooks or materials. Personal checks are accepted. When providing a check as payment, you authorize Oakton to either use information from your check to make a one-time electronic fund transfer from your account or to process the payment as a check transaction. A $25 fee will be applied if your check is returned by the bank.

Cancellation Policy - If the Alliance cancels a class, registered students will receive a 100 percent tuition refund. Fees - Effective with the Fall 2022 semester, a $4 technology fee will be added per class. Students who register online will not be charged any additional processing fees. However, those registering in person, by mail, or by fax will be charged an additional $12 administrative fee with each registration form. Fees are non-refundable. Refund Policy - If a student wishes to drop a class, a 100 percent tuition refund, minus a $15 cancellation fee, will be issued. This request must be sent seven days prior to the first class session to receive a refund. No refunds will be issued for requests received less than seven days before the start of class. Students can submit a request online by logging into their account at ce.oakton.edu or by email to continuingeducation@oakton.edu . Residency (In-District Senior Citizens) - Residents of Oakton’s district who are 60 years or older are eligible to receive a senior discount on tuition (unless otherwise indicated). In-district seniors (60+) who register for an Alliance class on or after July 7, 2014, are eligible for a 15 percent tuition discount. In-district seniors who registered before that date will continue to receive a 50 percent discount where applicable. Proof of age and in-district residency must be provided prior to registration.

General Information

Grading - Grades of “P” or “F” are issued to indicate successful completion or non-completion of a course. These grades do not compute in a grade point average. Alert!Oakton - Receive notification about weather-related and emergency closings at Oakton. Sign up today for email, text message, or voicemail alerts at my.oakton.edu .

Enrollment Verification - Students will automatically receive a confirmation email upon enrollment. Certificates - Certificates of completion are awarded to students in any Alliance class upon request of the instructor or student. Completion of classes is determined by instructors, with a minimum of 75 percent attendance in most programs.

Online registration closes at midnight the day before the course begins. All information, including fees, is subject to change any time during the period for which the schedule is in effect. Students with Disabilities - The Access and Disability Resource Center provides accommodations and services to college able students with documented disabilities. For information, call 847.635.1759 (Room 2400 Des Plaines campus) Smoking Policy - No smoking is allowed inside the Des Plaines and Skokie campus buildings. At each individual site and class location, Alliance for Lifelong Learning students are required to adhere to the specific building policies.

Register online oakton.edu/conted 3

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