Recovery Unplugged

T he Family Program at Recovery Unplugged helps people who are embarking on recovery reclaim their seat at the family table. It makes family holidays possible; rebuilds trust and helps to erode the malignant feelings that have built up in the wake of active drinking and drug use. It’s a resource to help families overcome the lying, manipulation, aggression and hurt feelings that were exchanged during substance use. Family-focused therapies have proven remarkably effective in the treatment of substance use and co-occurring disorders, like depression. Successfully transitioning back into a harmonious family dynamic, whether it’s in or out of the home, is a fundamental pillar of long-term recovery. People who don’t have stable home or familial safety nets to provide love, affirmation and accountability often have difficulty avoiding relapse. Data from the National Institute on Drug Abuse indicates that addiction relapse rates

remain consistently at 40-60 percent. Very often, unstable family structures and an inability of family members to get past the more traumatic and painful memories associated with their loved one’s substance use gets leads to continued hurt feelings that create tension within the home. A lack of education and understanding of family roles in the addiction recovery process can often lead to relapse.

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