King's Business - 1921-12

The Outlook of an Unregenerate World W h a t Is th e W o rld G ettin g R e a d y F o r? Is T h e re A n y H o p e b u t in Christ?

BY K.. L. B.

by radio, w ithout a single man on board. Delicate electrical in strum en ts governed the speed of th e 'sh ip , fed fuel to the boilers and navigated the vessel as if human hands had been a t the wheel. These gigantic death dealers can be sent across th e ocean by w ireless to spread destruction, and w ithout th e risk of a single life on board th e preying ship. Aeroplanes may now drop bombs con­ taining th e most deadly gases. One bomb containing th e newly discovered gas will be sufficient to kill every living tiling in a radius of many miles and even to make th e soil unproductive for many months afterw ard. The United States army has. a new gun capable of firing a bullet which at two hundred yards will p en etrate the heavy army plate of b attle tanks. It flies a bullet weighing 800 grains as compared to the 150 grains, the ammu­ nition used in th e last war, which the tanks sucessfully resisted. In England, flame throw ers have been invented capable of licking up every­ thing in th eir path and these will be brought to a high degree of perfection. A man named Ulivi has perfected an app aratu s by means of which ultra-red rays can be applied to blow up distan t battleships or fortresses. A short time ago he set up his app aratu s some dis­ tance from a m anufacturing p la n t and when he set hds instrum ents in opera­ tion the machinery in th e nearby plant was .practically ruined by the heavy electric charge. Massive copper bars were distorted, p a rts of machinery were unsoldered and even reduced to the fusion point. He also paralyzed a big

ARLESS world—-When?

Before the second coming of Christ?—No. .W e want a warless world because Christ hates war. Every consistent Christian will do everything possible to avert war. However, th e re ds nothing to be gained by saying, “ Peace, peace,” where th e re is no peace, or in trying to cover up the tru th . There will be more wars, worse wars than we have ever dreamed of. Never in the history of th e world were preparations made for th e b ru tal destruction of human lives on such gi­ gantic scales; never were such hellish and u tterly inhuman schemes for the in­ fliction of death and misery conceived. All these preparations are not being made w ithout some end in view. Those who have rejected the though t of any­ thing approaching a literal fulfillment of th e terrib le pictures given us in the book of Revelation, are beginning to see th e possibility of even worse things th an those pictured there. Some of the world’s greatest scientists are bending every energy to make possible these very horrors. At a g reat gathering of statesm en in Edinburgh recently, protests w e r e voiced against chemical warfare. Scien­ tific men were urged not to employ th eir talen ts in devising means to develop and perpetuate a mode of w arfare which, is abho rren t to th e higher instincts of humanity. But the ghastly work will go on, and these devilish devices will be brought, in due time, into full play. Already th e United States navy has successfully-operated a g reat battleship

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