King's Business - 1921-12


T HE K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

oldest empires, China and Russia,” he said, “are today in a welter of anarchy and even in the most stable of govern­ ments the underground rumblings of revolution may be h eard .” W ars are due because wars are born of the lusts of unregenerate men (Jam 4 :1 ) r There never was a tim e when these lusts were allowed to run so wild. Advanced education is tu rn ing out the tools of destruction. If ever th ere was need of preaching the tru e Gospel of Christ, it is now. This is no hour for “ pussy ca t” religion. It is Christ alone th a t can save the souls of men and He alone will save hum anity from being annihilated because of sin. When He comes “He will make wars to cease unto the end of th e e a rth ” (Psa. 4 6 :9 ). “He shall judge among the nations and shall rebuke many peo­ ple, and they shall beat th eir swords into plowshares. Nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn wars any more.” (Isa. 2 :4 ). May our la st prayer of 1921 be the last prayer of th e Bible. “ Even so, come, Lord Jesu s.” HOLY ANGER “Let all anger be put away from you.” Yet only a moment ago the Apostle had w ritten the words, “Be ye angry and sin not.” My power of anger is not to be destroyed; it is to be transform ed and purified. Anger can be like an unclean bonfire; it can also be like a sea of glass mingled w ith fire. There can be more smoke th an light in it, more selfish passion th an holy purpose. The fuel th a t feeds it may be envy and jealousy and spite, and not a big desire for the good of men and glory of God. Wordly anger is “ set on fire of hell.” Holy anger borrows flame from the altar-fires of God.-^r-Dr. Jowett. ^ ^ Send the “K. B.” to some Mis­ sionary for Christmas

power plant and brought indu strial m a­ chinery th roughout the d istrict to a standstill, plunging villages in d ark ­ ness. This is merely a h in t of what may be done by electricity. In a recent rem arkable book, “The Next W ar,” the w riter says: “A ttack­ ing nations will make no foolish w arn­ ing declarations of war. They will strik e first and the strik ing will be te r­ rible beyond description w ith gases, in­ visible rays and even w ith germs. The g reat cities will be totally destroyed, the g reat ma'ss of men, women and chil­ dren will be dead, even th e land will be useless, and the stench of a g reat fester­ ing will make disgusting th e earth A fter th e recent war, th e world goes about on crutches, staring w ith bleary eyes. A fter the next, it will have no limbs a t all and it will be cursing blind.” The Bible declares th a t the tim e will come when “ the cities of the nations will fall.” (Rev. 16:19)'. The third p art of men will be killed “by fire, and by smoke and by brim stone” (Rev. 9: 18). I t will require seven years to cleanse the land after Armageddon (Ezek. 3 9 :9 ). Men will stop th eir noses (Ezek. 3 9 :11 ). Men will blas­ pheme God.because of the plagues (Rev. 16). We may as well face the facts. There will be wars such as can be explained only by the fact of a personal devil w ith hosts of evil forces a t his command as the unseen directors. Bravery and hu­ man daring will play little p art in the next war. It will be a b attle of brains and money. So terrib le will it be th at “ except the tim e be shortened no flesh should be saved.” A London paper says, “The horizon is clouded in a fashion th a t Britons have not known for many generations.” A recent speech by Jam es M. Beck, Solicitor General of th e United States, describes th e sp irit of lawlessness ram ­ p art in th e world. “Two of the world’s

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