King's Business - 1921-12

T HE K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S


ing from home to home. He found th a t through th e magazine he got many op­ portunities to w itness for Christ— and we m ight add also th a t he got a kick out of some people. He interested a large number in th e magazine, got it introduced in place of quarterlies in one of the' largest Sunday schools, and when the subscribers began to rejoice over th e good things they were getting for a dollar a year, his own joy knew no bounds. Then he began to get out cir­ cular le tte rs a t his own expense, send­ ing them to hundreds of people to tell them w hat they were missing. The letters began to bear fru it and as the good work w ent on, he saw believers being bu ilt up in the faith and going out as happy soul w inners. The thing has gone on till Herschberger h as his own .“K. B. stationery” and special ad ­ vertising rn a ttir, and sends out scores of sample copies from his own home each month— all of which he does as a service unto Christ, not for rem unera­ tion. We cannot say how many hun­ dreds of subscribers he has secured. We only know th a t th e more he gets th e happier he grows and th e longer his le tte rs telling of his experiences be­ come. H erschberger has grown much in the past year, all because he made use of the opportunity th a t was rig h t a t hand and pushed it to th e lim it. God has places for men and women of this stamp. Some day H erschberger will, if he keeps humble, be pu t into a bigger job. Too many Christians today are not a t home when opportunity knocks at the door. They do no t know an op­ po rtun ity when they meet it face to face. We need more fellows like Hersch­ berger, who do not let life slip away while they are waiting for some great opportunity, bu t who take the little one a t hand and make it a g reat one. “The doors of opportunity are m arked ‘PUSH.’ ” —K. L. B.

tru e— and how few th ere are who real­ ly believe it to be tru e !— who can aare to impugn th e justice of “ everlasting punishm ent?” For Christ has opened the kingdom of heaven to all believers; th e way of God is free, and whosoever will may come. There is no artifice in this and grace is not a cloak to cover favoritism . Unsolved mysteries th ere are in Holy W rit, bu t when we read of “ God our Saviour,” who w illeth th a t all men should be saved; and of “Christ Jesus who gave H imself a ransom for all” (1 Tim. 2 :3 -6 ), we are standing in the full clear ligh t of day. This much is as clear as words can make it— and nothing more th an this concerns us—-th at th e consequences of accepting or rejecting Christ are final and eternal. But who are they who shall be held guilty of rejecting? W hat of those who, though living in Chris­ tendom , have never heard th e Gospel arigh t? And w hat of th e heathen who have never heard a t all? No one can claim to solve these problems w ithout seeming profanely to assume th e role of umpire between God and men. We know, and it is our joy to know, th a t the decision of all such questions rests w ith a God of perfect justice and infinite love. And le t th is be our answer to those who demand a solution ui them . U nhesitating faith is om rig h t a ttitu d e in presence of divine reve­ lation bu t where Scripture is silent let us keep silence. HERSCHBERGER, THE HUSTLER - The K ing’s Business about a year ago found a real frien d in a young m a n 'in Minneapolis, by the name of Herschber- ger. He was on fire for th e tru th and when he found The K ing’s Business, he saw rig n t away th a t he had found a means of doing real service for Christ. He volunteered his services to help spread th e good things around, and got busy a t once in his locality, go­

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