King's Business - 1921-12

T HE K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


encouragement and peace to the un­ humbled, human heart. Only the broken-hearted Sinner can be healed, and God’s precious welcome of free grace is for the_ u tterly unworthy, by the death of the Lord Jesus in the place of those who had nothing b u t guilt, and deserved nothing bu t w rath. Ah, dear reader, do you, in anguish of heart, tak e your place th e re ? Do you own yourself such a wreck, in God’s sight? Then we can tell of free mercy to you, the very mercy th a t reached o th er equally lost sinners, th a t reached even to us. flllllllllllillllillllllllllllllllllilllfillllllljHIiliM | MERRY CHRISTMAS I M ultitudes needed a Savior th a t § I day, ''i ' 'v ■ 1 I J^ a rth held no price its redemp- | H tion to pay, S | R ic h in His mercy, the F ath e r | | above, | | D em em bered His Prom ise and in § | His g reat love, 1 Y 'ielded His Son, the treasu re of 1 | Heaven, ;§ /'■hrist our Redeemer, a gift 1 1 freely given, | 1 I J a r d was the path of th e Savior | | on earth , | I D e je c te d was He and despised | I since His birth, | Innocent, pure, to th e cross He | | . was led, | C inn ers were cleansed -in His | blood th a t was shed; | rT'oday whosoever His Word will | | believe, | M ay tak e His Salvation, the free IB | gift receive, ::,1 | victor He rose when His work f 1 here was done, ' 1 | g o m e day th a t same Jesus will | I come for Hisown. I *" I ' —K atheryn Finchey. | (1916g radu ate) | ^llllllllll!illililllllllllllllllllllllll!IIIIIIIIIU)lNHHIIII|illllllll!llliniilllllllilillllllilllinillllilllllllllMilllilillll^ Best cure fo r religious grouch— m ake som eone h appy . H elp us send the K. B. to n e ed y Christians.


A Talk- with the Unsaved Percy W. Heward

oiS; 8iiiiiiiiiii{ii;iuiiiiiiiiiiiriiniii!iiriiiiiiiiiiiiiii)iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiniiMii!iHiiiiiiiiiniiiiini(iiiiiiMiiiniiiiiiiiii^ When God says th a t anything is hor­ rible, we do well to listen. Sin is not a mere incident in life, and development. It is a horrible thing, even “ th a t abom inable th in g ” which God hates (Jer. 4 4 :4 ). It is rebellion against Him. And yet men go on frowardly in the way of th e ir own h eart, and u tte r words of peace when a man has died. A cemetery implies th a t th is is a GOD- honoring land, b u t th e only place where He is pu t first, by th e m ajority, is on a grave stone! Men do not w ant th e tru th . '1'hey ask for “smooth things” (Isa. 30 :10 ). They do- not wish to be told of human ruin, and etern al punishment. They desire salvation on easy term s. But this is impossible— u tterly impossible. The way of transgressors is hopelessly leading to an endless judgm ent, yet the Saviour of sinners is despised, not in word, b u t in reality! “My people love to have it so” was God’s own statem en t concerning Israel, when speaking of the lying prophecies of blessing u ttered by many .in those days. Nor is the hum an h ea rt changed. Men love to have “ gentle” words of deluding hope. B u t is it tru e kind­ ness to lull a man to sleep on th e brink of hell? Is it real hum anity to en­ courage indifference to the gravest con­ cerns of eternity? How many will anathem atize those who have sung them to hell, w ith the music of an ­ thems, and drawn them to th ink little of the difference between salvation and punishm ent because of th e appalling worldliness of professing Christianity? It is cruel to ignore the “ horrible th ing .” It is a terrib le evil to tell a lie in God’s Name, and to say words of

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