King's Business - 1921-12

T HE K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


Buildings and Huts of H unan Autum n Bible School

(o r worse). The w orkers tried to get the p aren ts to see th a t th e best way to get hold of- Jim would be to get converted themselves, bu t they would no t have it th a t way. The one condition was: ‘If your Jesus is able to save our Jim , we’ll join you. If He can’t, we won’t.’ “Then— w hether w ith or w ithout con­ nivance we were not told— others be­ gan making th e same excuse: ‘If Jesus can save Jim we’ll believe all you say about H im .’ T h ru st into such a corner the mem­ bers of the bands knew what to do. They are g rea t people for casting out devils by fasting and prayer. H ere as in many ano th er place, they succeeded. When Christmas, which occurred while they were visiting this town, came, th ere was much decorating of th e room used by th e band for th e ir meetings and everybody came to have a look, amongst them Jim . He was fairly caught and th e Christmas story won him. There and then he resolved to give up gambling and all o th er sin. T rium phantly the leader set off to claim th e father, only to be met w ith th e a r­ gum ent: ‘No. no, it won’t last. He’s got no money. T h a t’s all th a t is keep­ ing him from gambling.’ But as the weeks passed and Jim not only kept from gambling, bu t tu rn ed his hand to the hard work of the busi­

ness and then began to tidy up the shabby old home,— shabby largely be­ cause of his spendthrift ways— and as th e neighbors not only cried shame on the fath e r but adm itted th a t, having seen th a t Jesus had saved Jim , they had come and found Him th eir Saviour too, the fath er a t last came and, blessed be God, he too found Jesus m ighty to save.” UNIVERSALISM APPLIED Those who think th a t Jesus tasted death for every man (Heb. 2:9) and then so apply this scripture as to make it mean th at Christ died on the cross and shed His blood for Judas and others who shall never reach heaven,' will have a hard task to show th a t salvation is by grace alone, since on this idea Jesus did as much for Judas as He did for Abraham. What did Judas lack then? Not anything th at Jesus could do. What did Abraham have more than Judas? Not anything th a t Jesus did, for He did as much for one as for the other. What then did he have that took him to heaven? Evidently, according to that idea, what he did himself.—Cash.

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