King's Business - 1921-12

T HE K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S H I G H T E E N months ago a Jewess found in Jesus Christ h er own Messiah, her Lord and King. She became His w it­ ness and stood for H im while the storm of persecution arose all around her. God had wonderfully sus­ tained her and opened th e way for her to ta k e th e course a t th e Bible In sti­ tute. H er Jewish friends and relatives made desperate efforts to induce h er to leave th e In stitu te, thinking if she would only leave here and go E ast to join them , th e spell would be broken and she would forget all about Jesus. Ju st about two months ago she was g reatly surprised to see one of her cousins, who came all the way from Pennsylvania to Los Angeles to visit her. He greeted h er in a most solemn manner, telling her th a t he was im ­ pelled to come 3000 miles because of a dream , which placed th e responsibil­ ity upon him to resto re her to Judaism and to h er loved ones. L ifting h er h ea rt in prayer to God th a t He m ight give streng th and wis­ dom to meet th is new te st and th a t Christ m ight have His way w ith the relative, she welcomed th e visitor and invited him to make himself a t home. Calling her by name, he said in a voice th a t held grief and disappointment, “ Helen, Heleii, w hat have you done? You have gone away from our God, you have forsa’ en your own people and broken your loved ones’ h earts.” Then sternly he said, “Don’t you know th a t in th e ten commandments it says, ‘Honor your fath er and your m o ther?’ ” Calmly and quietly she replied, “ I have not gone away from God, because it is the God of Israel, th e God of Abraham , Isaac, and Jacob, whom I believe in and no other. I love my people today more th an I ever loved them before I became a Christian, and as for honoring my fath er and mother, th a t is God’s fifth commandment, bu t His first and g reat­ est commandment is ‘Thou sh alt love th e Lord thy God w-ith all thy heart, w ith all th y soul and w ith all thy m ind,’ ” and so th e battle was on. To all his argum ents and reasonings she gave the answer, “The Scripture says,” " It is w ritten ,” “But the Bible says”— always answering through th e Word of God. A fter several hours th e relativ e left, disappointed, b u t determ ined yet to win. Upon being invited, he promised th a t he would atten d services next Sun­ day a t th e Church of the Open Door.


Unchurched Men Over ninety-five per cent of these fel­ lows never darken th e church door, which increases our problem consider­ ably. If you consider th e fact th a t most of these men are m arried and have fam ilies which average four to th e fam ­ ily, you begin to get th e picture of the large number of unchurched— in fact, about 22,400 people—which are to he m inistered to. Most of these people, if they are not reached by us will never be reached. How it should send us to our knees, as the tru th of th is is b rough t home to our hearts! Follow us into th e shops noon after noon, or in to the car-barns and fire houses in th e afternoons. Look w ith us a t these eager faces as they listen to th e songs th a t are sung and th e testimonies th a t are given. See with u s 'th a t strong, husky workman as. he leads us to the loved one who is hover­ ing between life and d eath ; go w ith us la te r to th e last resting place,— and we are sure you will catch a glimpse of th e g reat good we are endeavoring to do, as you see th is husband tu rn to th e One who alone can comfort, through th e simple efforts p u t forth. > T raining fo r Students Oh yes, th e re are helpers, for th a t is where the studen ts get th e ir training. At th e present w riting we have eighteen meetings every week. Over seventy-five fellows are laboring w ith us, and as we see them get a vision of what th e grace of God can do in th is field for these men, we cry out, “Even so, Lord Jesus, help us to do oür best till Thou dost come!” W ith so many men to reach, w ith so sh o rt a tim e to reach them in, w ith th e problem of tran spo rtation through th e congested districts of our cities be­ coming more acute, we are crying to God to help us solve our problems, th at we may reach the most in th e shortest possible time. Join us -in th is mighty work, become a prayer helper today th a t th e work may grow and th a t He may have th e glory of it all.

JEWISH WORK Jas. A. Vans, Snpt.

“ F o r the W ord of God is quick and pow ­ erfu l and sh arper than an y tw o-edged sw ord, piercing even to the dividing asunder o f soul and spirit, and o f the joints and m arrow , and is a discerner of the thoughts and Intents of the heart.” (Heb. 4 :12 .)

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