King's Business - 1921-12


T HE K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

L ast Words from P au l. 2 Tim. 4:7-18. Memory Verse.— “The Lord stood by me, and strengthened me.” 2 Tim. 4:17. Approach.— Show th e children a Bible. Tell them th a t it shows us the life God w ants us to live and the fight a g a in st sin which we are to make. If we are faith fu l to .BEGINNERS Him we will stand AND PRIMARY for the rig h t and Mabel L. M errill love and serve Him w ith all our heart, soul, mind and strength. We do not fight th is w arfare a lo n e . for Jesus is w ith us to help us to conquer. He gives us grace and streng th to overcome temp­ tation and all wrong and to bring us out more th a n conquerors. If we are faith fu l to the end He will give us a crown of life.— P rim ary Teacher. Lesson Story.— Before we have our story let us hold up our Testaments, and sing, “Take it wherever you go,” etc. We have all learned to love Paul since we have become acquainted w ith him through the beautiful stories we have been hearing th e past weeks and months, and I ju st believe you little folks can guess w hat it was th a t made P aul such a wonderful man. Yes, th a t is righ t, because P aul loved Jesu s and th is precious Bible, which is God’s Word. In our story today P au l is an old man, and we learn of ano ther le tte r which P au l w rote to a young man th a t P aul loved very much indeed. The young m an’s name to whom P au l w rote th is le tte r was Timothy. Tiiftothy was a splendid young man who loved Jesus, and was one of P au l’s helpers in much of his work. P au l loved him very dearly and even called him his son; Timothy was a tru e m inister and went about preaching th e gospel of Jesus. Paul wi;ote to urge Timothy to preach to th e people from th e Bible and warn all the time, and to be faith fu l in all his work, and be ready to suffer hard things for Jesu s’ sake. Then P aul tells

him why he i s so anxious for him to do all th a t he has asked him, because he (P au l) is soon going to die and go to be w ith Jeslis. ‘ A very wicked man was ruling over the place where P aul was living, and he hated all th e people who loved Jesus, and he ordered th a t Paul must die. Now of course G od. could have saved Paul, bu t you know, boys and girls, P aul had lived to be an old man, had been faith fu l in all God had given him to do, and his work was fin­ ished, and God wanted to have Paul up in Heaven w ith Himself. Do you think P aul was a t all afraid to die? No, in­ deed, he was not, for he w rote ,in an­ other le tte r long before this, th a t he would much ra th e r go to be w ith Jesus up in Heaven th an to stay on earth. Now very quiet so you will not miss th is p a rt of the le tte r where P aul tells Timothy th a t because his work had been done as Jesus had asked him to do it, th e re was a crown of righteous­ ness for him ; and now listen, he also said th ere was also a crown for every one who loved to know th a t Jesus was coming back again. O, boys and girls, th is ju s t makes us so happy, we will have to stop and say, P raise th e Lord, for P au l tells Timothy he is all ready to go and receive his crown, and see Jesus and be where he will never have to suffer or be pu t in prison any more. My, won’t we have a good tim e up th ere listening to P aul tell us these stories from h is own lips. He asked Timothy to try and come to him before he went home to Heaven, and to bring his cloak and some books. H e also told him how , the people le ft him alone in his trial, bu t he said the Lord stood by him and strengthened him. T hat is w hat we w ant to remember, th a t Jesus will al­ ways stand by us and strengthen us. Closing P ray er.—Dear Lord Jesus, help us to be brave and faith fu l like Paul.

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