King's Business - 1921-12

T HE K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


CABBAGES AND FLOWERS Someone persists in sending me a- gainst my wishes your magazine, The K ing’s Business. I have no use for such a narrow , bigoted magazine, I do not w ant dt. Quit sending it.-—From a m issionary in Japan. (Evidently get­ ting “ broad” views over th ere too.) Some good friend subscribed for The K ing’s Business for me. I t may be in teresting to some b u t th e thing is of­ fensive to me. I do not approve of it. — From a m issionary in C entral Ameri­ ca. (Getting up-to-date down th ere too.) Take my name off your list. I do not read your paper and don’t w ant it, so * why does someone persist in sending it to me? Perhaps they th ink they, are doing me a favor, bu t they don’t. It makes me mad every tim e it shows up. I wish I knew how to in su lt you and make you so mad you would take my name off your list. I don’t care if someone has paid my subscription for 100 years. I positively won’t have the

to the Romish church which in idolatry puts the m other before th e child.—: Anno. Bible. F ell down. Compare I K ings 10:2, 10. The homage paid here was to an in fan t in arms, who was hid in a dwelling which had to be point­ ed out to the eye th a t had been look­ ing for it for weeks. It showed th a t Jesus in obscurity was felt to be g reater far th an Solomon in all his glory, and th a t th is son of David, even in His infancy, was far above th at.— Lewis. P resen ted un to Him. Gold stands for th e world’s w ealth; frank in ­ cense, for the world’s worship; myrrh, for ' th e world’s bitterness. All were offered to Christ.—»Farr. Some th ink th e re is unconscious prophecy in the m yrrh and th a t in th is mention, so soon afte r His b irth , th ere is a silent refer­ ence to His death (see Jno. 1 9 :3 9 ).— Hpm. Com. BLACKBOARD SKETCHES ' By E ra Hansell Christmas lesson: The visit of the Wise Men. Matt. 2:1-12. Explain th e Christmas story in a word picture as well as blackboard sketch. I. The wise men seeking Jesus. II. Herod seeking Jesus. III. The wise men finding Jesus.

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