King's Business - 1921-12

T HE K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S 1183 cent pieces laugh at us._ We were made for the youngsters. I just love to have a kid carry me around and look at me so lovingly when I go over the counter for a piece of gum. I feel fine.” It may not be true that the angels look over the battlements of heaven on Sunday morning and look at the services of the sanctuary, but if they do, we can picture the.m nudging each other and saying: ‘‘See that sancti­ fied bowed head and gloved finger and that poor, little shrinking penny? There it goes! Now watch her face light up and hear her sing!” Maybe we have overdrawn the, scene. Perhaps the dear one was so occupied in prayer that she missed the basket and is a penny ahead. .Well, here it is Christmas time and we rejoice in it for one thing if not for any other; we all get a shaking up and a new spirit possesses us. Sav­ ings banks are opened and the pennies and nickels come rolling out. We are-going to give. We have felt the contagion. Everybody has it. Even the baby chuckles with glee. Something is in the air. Streets are alive ; stores are filled; windows decorated; the old skin-flints are trying to smile like the others. The spirit of Christmas has got them. They are going to get gifts; going to make some one happy. They are going to forget their grouch and say “ Merry Christmas” to everybody. Well, thank God! If some money is wasted in candies and tops and trinkets,- it is worth it all to see the purse strings loosened up ; to catch a smile from the cranky miser; to hear the ripple of laughter in the midst of the gloom. •Hail, Christmas Day, and a hearty merry Christmas to everybody! But why cannot we have the Christmas spirit all the year ?Well, we can, if we will. Just pretend it is Christmas every morning. Think of Christ, Gosi’s good and gracious Gift. Joy and rejoice in Him. Put on a Christmas smile and go forth. Let the light that is within shine out. Give a happy greeting to everybody. Sing the carols in your heart. Bestow your gifts while it is day, and whether they be pennies or dollars, send them on their way,- buoyant with your own glad heart-life and song. This whole is but a waft of ther breeze from heaven where it is always Christmas. And God help us to make the meaning of Christmas real to all people lest the tisie come when the eternal gloom will settle over them and their ears be closed forever to the happy, merry Christmas joys T. C. H. THORNS AND THISTLES If the Genesis story is not true, the evolutionists have something to think about and something to explain. Here it is: “ Cursed is the ground for thy sake.” Has there been any change in this order of God’s? Do the thorns and thistles, by their abiding presence, testify always to the truth of God’s Word? Does the tilling of the ground eradicate them? Is the nature of thorns and thistles ever changed? Will they always be spring­ ing up' and challenging man to eradicate them, and witnessing by their un­ changeable nature and universal presence to the truth of God’s Word? When men with sweating brows, fight them, do they answer back: “ We are God’s witnesses. YoU cannot destroy us.” Thorns and thistles have a counterpart in the curse placed upon man in his carnal nature and hatred of God. Has the God-hating, lie-loving

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