King's Business - 1921-12

1246 Should governmental ru lers heed the counsel of men of God? Is th ere a higher au tho rity th a n gov­ ernm ental au tho rity ? , Should religious au tho rity be united w ith governmental authority? Was re­ ligious and civil au tho rity separate a t th e tim e of th is lessor.? Should we always heed th e counsel of governmental au tho rity ? In th is lesson, where is the seat of suprem e authority? W hat happened to Jeroboam when he resisted the Word of God? W hat did Jeroboam do, when judg­ m ent fell upon him? How did Jeroboam feel tow ard the prophet? Why did not th e prophet accept Jero ­ boam ’s hospitality? Did Jeroboam learn th is lesson in this experience? I Kings 13:33, 34. W hat was Jeroboam ’s g reat sin? P rophetical Questions Did th e prophecy of th e man of God come tru e? Read II Kings 23:15, 16. How many years intervened before Josiah was born? (More th a n 300 y ears.) W hat do fulfilled prophecies prove about the Bible? How do prophets foretell fu tu re events so accurately? Read II Pet. 1: 21 . W hat local sign did the prophet give as proof? P ersonal Questions Should we always heed th e counsel given us? W hat is the best counsel to seek? W hat would you have done if you had lived under Rehoboam’s rule? W hat would you have done if you had lived under Jeroboam ’s rule? Under which ru ler would you desire to live? Should we regard the Bible as the supreme au tho rity today?

T HE K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

A. K ing Who Disobeyed God. 1 Kings 12:25-13:6. Memory Verse.— “To obey is better th an sacrifice.” 1 Sam. 15:22. Approach.— A few days ago ju st after a heavy rain Storm, I saw a little boy six or seven years old, who looked very sad and unhappy, and he was very sorry th a t he had BEGINNERS not obeyed his mo- AND PRIMARY th er. She had gone Mabel Ii. M errill down town for a little while, and had asked th e little boy whose name was E arl to stay at home and play. Soon afte r mother had gone, a little playmate of E a rl’s came over and asked him to go down w ith him to a p late n ear a bridge where a stream of w ater was flowing. A t first E arl said he would not go because his mother had asked him to ‘Stay- at home, bu t the playmate said they would have to go rig h t away as th e w ater would soon be gone after th e rain stopped. So th e two boys w ent down to the w ater, and of course it was lots of fun for a while, until E arl slipped and sat down in the muddy w ater, and cut his foot on a sharp stone. He was p retty badly frig h t­ ened, for when he fell his head went under w ater for a few moments, and he was a sorry looking little boy as he limped home. There is no lasting fun or happiness when we disobey. Besson Story.—We have th e story today of one who was far more foolish, th an this little boy, for he was a grown man, and the one whom he disobeyed was his Lord and King. I know some of you boys and girls can remember the name of th is man who disobeyed God, His name was Jeroboam and he was king over Israel; th e re was another king reigning over another p a rt of God’s people, living in ano ther p a rt of the land. This was a long, long time ago and they did not have churches in different places where th e people could

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