King's Business - 1921-12


T HE K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

go to worship as we have today, but everybody had to go to Jerusalem where th e temple was. Jeroboam was like some people today, he though t more of him self th a n he did of God, and he was afraid th a t his people as they went to the temple to worship m ight like the o th er king b etter th a n they did him, and w ant the other king to be th eir king. Then Jeroboam did something th a t was very wicked, for he made two golden calves and placed them in dif­ feren t places, and told his people they would not have to go up to Jerusalem any more to worship, bu t could go to th e places where he had placed the calves and worship them . Jeroboam bu ilt houses for th e idols and chose wicked men as priests to offer sacri­ fices to the idols— the golden calves, bu t he would not allow th e priests of God to offer up sacrifices to God. The priests and many of th e people left King Jeroboam and w ent tci Jerusalem to live, for they would not worship th e golden calves. One day Jeroboam was standing by the a lta r in th e idol’s house, and God sent a prophet to tell Jeroboam th a t some day another king would rule, who would obey God and destroy these idols. The prophet also told him th e a lta r should be broken, and th e ashes thrown on the ground. Then Jeroboam was angry a t God’s prophet and stretched out his arm to tak e hold of h im ; b u t the Lord made his arm grow stiff and w ithered in a moment, so th a t he could not draw it back to him again. The a ltar also was broken, and its ashes scattered on th e ground, ju st as th e prophet had said. When Jeroboam saw w hat the Lord had done, he begged th e prophet to pray th a t *his hand m ight be made- well. The prophet prayed for him and his hand was made well. (Teach memory verse and emphasize the importance of obed­ ience. )

BLACKBOARD SKETCHES By E m Hansell The Revolt of Jeroboam . 1 Kings 12:1-13:6. Golden Text. Ex. 20:4, 5. Take this lesson up explaining the sto ry con­ tained in th e Scriptures. As a black­ board sketch draw th e graven image. This image can be applied to th e vari­ ous things of th is world th a t are today being worshipped— fashion, pleasure, money, etc. GONE UPSTAIRS We measure distance b y time. We are apt to say th at a certain place is so many hours from us. I f it is a hundred miles off, and there is no railroad, we think it a long way: if there is a railway, we think we can be there in no time. Out how near must we say heaven is?—for it is just one sigh, and we get there. Our departed friends are only in the upper room, as it were, of the same house: They have not gone far off: they are upstairs, and we are down below.

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