King's Business - 1921-12

T HE K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S th e cross for a while. How could he go to his death w ithout undertak ing a brief m inistry a t least to th e heathen world! Would it not oe b etter to store his life for a while instead of planting it in th e furrow of sacrifice? He repud­ iates th e thought and continues un­ hesitatingly on his journey to the cross. Self reservation or self dedication? Shall I store my life or sow it? No man th a t is a Christian can live unto himself. The sown furrow , not the stored bin, is the objective of. th e Chris­ tian life. SATURDAY, Dec. 81. Luke 10:17-24. The T rue F oundation of Joy. The evangelistic to u r of th e seventy disciples had been a g reat success. They were excited and elated by th eir achievements. They gave expression to a joy th a t was dangerously akin to pride. The Master admonished them not to rejoice over what they had been able to do for others, b u t ra th e r in what God had done for them . This is the only solid and satisfying ground for joy; not in conspicuous service, no t in illustrious accomplishment b u t in th e fact th a t God in His infinite mercy has opened th e kingdom of heaven and w ritten th e name in th e book of life. “My soul shall make h er boast in the Lord.” Psalm 34:2. Not gifts but grace is th e tru e ground for rejoicing, not service for God b u t standing in the sight of God, not human m erit b u t Di­ vine mercy. Merit we have none but “ Plenteous grace w ith Thee is found, Grace to cover all my sins.” PLAIN TALK An editor of a Chicago daily newspaper, commenting upon the positions taken by Professor Poster, while yet retaining his membership in a Baptist church, and his place as a professor in a supposedly Chris­ tian Theological Seminary, said, “ Is there no place to assail Christianity but a di­ vinity school ? Is there no one to write infidel books except the professors of Christian theology? Is a theological sem­ inary an appropriate place for a general massacre of Christian doctrine? Mr. Man- gasarian delivers infidel lectures every Sunday in Orchestra Hall and no one is

1255 shocked, but when professional defenders of Christianity jump on it and assassinate it, the public—even the agnostic public, cannot but despise them. I f the expres­ sion of these infidel sentiments by Chris­ tian teaching makes a marked and sad­ dening impression on mature minds, how must it affect the young people in attend­ ance at the University? These young people are not contaminated by the teaehers of Spiritualism, Theosophy and Free Thought who abound in Chicago; but when the very men whom they regard as pillars of the faith bend under them like a broken reed, it is inevitable that they will leave the University confirmed infidels. Even so, we are not champion­ ing either Christianity or infidelity, but only condemning infidels masquerading as men of God and Christian teachers.” CHRISTMAS H ark! th e Christmas bells resounding E a rth ’s old jargon all confounding, Round the world th e ir tum u lt bounding. Spreads Imm anuel’s matchless fame. Million hands th e ir trib u te bringing, Million h earts around Him clinging, Million tongues hosannas singing, Swell th e honors to His name. Crown Him, monarchs, seers and sages! Crown Him, bards, in deathless pages' Crown Him King of all the ages! Let th e m ighty anthem rise. H ark! th e crash of tuneful noises; H ark! the children’s th rilling voices; H ark! the world in song rejoices; Till th e chorus shakes the skies. Living Christ, o’er sin victorious! Dying Lamb, all meritorious! Risen God, forever glorious! Take our songs and hearts, we pray. May we Thee, by faith descrying, On Thy death for life relying, Rise to rap tu re never-dying; Rise w ith Thee to endless day.

George Lansing Taylor.

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