King's Business - 1921-12

When newspapers report unidenti­ fied drowned girls au tho rities have re­ ceived two hundred letters in one city from country paren ts asking for full description or sending pictures of their lo st girls! In one case of an automo­ bile accident to two girls unnamed, 186 mothers telephoned to th e hospital to know particulars. Thousands of fool­ ish mothers perm it th e ir daughters to go to lewd public dances, meeting men of all kinds, mostly demons of lust, and to run th e streets a t all times of day or night. The Methodist Bishop, Henderson, says, th a t ou t of every 100 who feel called to th e Methodist m inistry, 50 are tu rn ed aside by th e tim e they are through college. The London C hristian, urging its read ers to stablish th e ir h earts, says th a t “th e horizon is clouded in a fash­ ion th a t B ritons have not known fo-.’ many generations. . . . Not w ithout good reason the h earts and minds of the Lord’s remembrancers are in grief a t th e impiety and im purity th a t are flaunted in modern society. The news­ papers day by day are publishing re­ cords of sin and folly on a scale w ith­ out parallel in past times. And while followers of Christ do not cease to pray for reform ation of m anners and. a r e ­ vival of sp iritu al religion in th e country, th e outlook exhibits few signs of an en­ couraging nature. Never were the di­ vorce courts so crowded w ith cases; never Were social iniquities described in th e press in term s more detached from a sense of moral concern.” In line w ith th e present deification of man, comes the latest discovery for em­ balm ing th e dead. A noted Hungarian scientist has discovered a fluid th a t tu rn s th e dead body into a marble-lik3 substance. Deceased relatives may thu s be petrified and preserved like statues. It is predicted th a t in the near fu tu re survivors will be standing th e ir de­ ceased relatives about like statu es in th eir rooms instead of placing them in coffins.

R ichard S torrs said, “ ‘Thus saith th e Lord’ has come to mean, ‘Thus saith somebody, nobody knows who, as r e ­ ported by somebody else, of th e cor­ rectness of whose rep o rt we cannot be certain ’.” The motto o’f many a business man a t this season of th e year is, “Do your Christmas shoppers early, while they’ve still got th e cash.” The best and easiest way out of the Christmas pres­ ent business—well— see th e back cover. Beecher said, “We used to know a revival was coming by th e lin t on fa th e r’s knees.” Are you praying for revival in th e Body of Christ? W hat's blocking th e revival? The pastor of a B aptist church in Southern California has had his eyes opened to the P rem illennial position. He has burned his barrel of old ser­ mons and is building a new set along different lines as well as developing a new theology for himself. He c e r ­ tainly is a happy man, and has a mes­ sage for his people th a t is rousing them to definite soul-winning work. “W hat have you gotten by your pains?” So they said to Whitfield one tim e when he came back to his room afte r an apparently ineffectual reproof of some swearers nearby. “A quiet pillow” he answered, and lay down to sleep. How many Christian men to­ day let profane men know th a t they can not stand the blasphemous use of th eir Savior’s nam e9 We though t it terrib le calam ity th a t nearly 85,000 American soldiers were k illed in b attle during th e en tire war, yet now we find th a t during th e same period over 91,000 met death in street accidents in th is country, 25,000 of the number being ch ild ren .1 Most of these accidents were avoidable and were due entirely to th e sp irit of recklessness th a t is characteristic of these days.

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