King's Business - 1921-12

T HE K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S A t th e recent 39th annual convention of the K nights of Columbus in San Francisco, th e kn igh ts cabled a message to th e Pope as follows: “Archbishop Haima of San Francisco and the as­ sembled delegates to the K nights of Columbus supreme convention, repre­ senting 800,000 citizens, send th eir, greetings to your holiness, offering th eir undying fealty and obedience to th e successor of P e te r and humbly asking your blessings upon th e ir work.” In response th e Pope cabled his “ constant blessing” which was conveyed by Su­ preme K n igh t Jimmy O’ F laherty. All of th is sounds very sweet, and yet many Americans stiil keep th e ir eyes fast closed while th e dear knights go on w ith th e ir propaganda to make Ameri­ ca Catholic— and by th a t is not m eant to make Catholics out of Americans but to replace our democracy w ith a papal autocracy. The first allegiance of every Rom anist is to the man on the Tiber. The same old b attle w ith liberalism is on over in Australia. Loyalty m eet­ ings are being called independent of the churches, and opportunities are being given for expressions of loyalty to the. Bible as the inspired, infallible and au ­ tho ritativ e Word of God. It tak es con­ siderable backbone for m inisters to take a public stand in these gatherings, but many prom inent m inisters have tak en the platform and assured th e g reat crowds of laymen th a t they were w ith them in th e fight for th e Old Book. The daily papers in many cities seem to be jumping into th e arena to knock out th e preachers who have so little regard for th e ir ordination vows as tc continue in th e ir pulpits while tearing th e Bible to pieces. Thé “Dallas News,” of Texas, says: “E ar tickling epigrams feed no starving lambs. If th e Book of faith, hope and love is not •inspired, then th e world is an accident and life a bad joke. Any m inister of th e Gospel who does not believe the Gospel is inspired is no t getting an y ­ where much. His m inistry is bound to be b arren of resu lts for righteousness. If th e man in th e gu tte r had to w ait for th a t so rt of a m inister he would have m ighty slim chances.” , The Methodists have purchased a large property on Monte Mario in Italy, no t far from the Vatican,' w ith th e ob­ je ct of establishing th ere a church, pri-

1257 mary schools and a large college. G reat indignation is expressed a t th e Vatican a t th is deliberate move to flank th e V atican w ith P ro te sta n t propaganda. Monte Mario is a t the no rth side of th e Janiculum h ill and overlooks th e V ati­ can. The Pope has sent th is word to Americans: “ It is necessary th a t Amer­ icans be rem inded th a t th e money they contribute to the Methodists in Rome does not serve any beneficent purpose bu t is used exclusively for a campaign against Catholicism .” When Dr. P riestly came over to sow TTnitarianism in th is country he said to Dr. Miller of P rinceton: “The tru th is, th ere n either can nor oug h t to be any compromise between us. If you are right, we are not Christians a t all. If we are right, you are gross idolaters.” The U nitarian wave swept 125 Congre- g a tio n a list_churches in New England off th e ir founoations. All bu t one of th e “ orthodox” churches in Boston de­ parted from the faith of th e fathers. “There is reason to expect, in th irty or fo rty years,” the U nitarians boasted, “ th a t the whole of Massachusetts will become U n itarian .” W hat has become of th a t prediction? A fter forty years th e U nitarians numbered b u t 25,000 in th e whole country, and they have re­ mained practically stationary ever since. Now, th e re is a split being caused by a “ radical elem ent” who do not believe in th e existence of God, and th e Gener­ al Conference, which meets in D etroit is to th rash th is m atter out. The hu­ manists deny th e existence of God de­ claring th a t Jesus was m istaken about His F ath er. Chief Justice T aft is expect­ ed to make one of the leading addresses. Denial of one p a rt of th e Word of God is sure to lead on to a denial of th e whole thing. This is the same path th a t several other denom inations are now taking. “The ends thereof are the ways of death .” Thanks most h eartily for sending me your valuable magazine. I am passing on much of the m aterial to others by tran slating and publishing in some Malayan religious magazines. The strong stand you take for the old Gos­ pel is simply adm irable in these days of growing apostasy.— From a mission­ ary in India.

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