King's Business - 1921-12



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Biola Book Room

G reat Songs of th e Church Some of the recent hymn books show a tendency to get back to th e solid old hymns of the church. This is espe­ cially noticeable in this new book com­ piled by E. L. Jorgenson and published by “Word and W ork,” Louisville, Ky There are 400 hymns in th e hook in strong cloth binding. The price, is bu t 45 cents. We recommend th e book to those who like th e hymns th a t wear. How I Know God Answers P ra y er Books of th is kind are refreshing in these days of doubt. This is a personal testimony of a life-time of prayer ex­ periences, by Rosalind Goforth, a mis­ sionary in China. It relates strenuous m issionary journeys among th e heathen and God’s marvelous workings. It is p rin ted by th e Sunday School Times: $1-25. Bible Encyclopedia The Doran Co. are doing a g reat ser­ vice by rep rin ting some of the older Biblical works th a t have been of tre ­ mendous service an th e past and which cannot be surpassed. F au sset’s En­ cyclopedia of the Bible, for a one vol­ ume work, is one of th e best. The new edition is very attractively printed and bound. $3. L ife and Epistles of Saint P au l P erhaps th ere is no b etter work along th is line th a n th a t by Conybeare and Howson. This is ano th er of the Doran reproductions, a very attractively printed book. $3. L ife of Christ This work by Canon F a rra r has been known for many years. In th e new dress of type, paper and binding which th e Doran Co. have given it, it presents a much more attractiv e appearance th a n formerly and those who want something solid on th e life of Christ may well invest in th is volume. $3. A Guide to Bible Study Mr. H arry E. R ichards, A. M., M. D., is th e author. He is a gradu ate of Princeton University and of the Col­ lege of Physicians and Surgeons of New York. He practiced law for many years in th e United States courts and is now th e president of a large manu­ factu ring concern, president of th e Bloomfield Theological Sem inary and

superintendent of a P resbyterian Sun­ day school. Mr. R ichards is an exam­ ple of th e much-needed Bible teacher, a practical man w ith a practical method of studying God’s Word. His system pis simple, thorough, practical. He tried it out for six years in his Sunday school. We recommend these volumes w ithout hesitation and w ith all our h earts. We could wish th a t every Sun­ day school teacher would use them. There are two courses, Ju n io r and Sen­ ior. Oxford University Press. Price given by our Book Room. F o rty Thousand Quotations Compiled by Charles Noel Douglas. In “F o rty Thousand Quotations,” the busy man of affairs, th e teacher and preach­ er, th e public speaker, lawyer and w riter, the man or woman who desires to make a creditable figure in conver­ sation, correspondence or debate, in fact, th e reader or student, may tu rn at will to th e choicest and most striking passages of the illustrious authors, ora­ tors and th inkers of all time, from the classic age to th e present day. One thousand, four hundred topics are treated , covering almost th e entire range of though t and emotion. The volume reflects th e g reatest credit upon Mr. Douglas’ patience, skill and knowl­ edge of literatu re . He has garnered from all sources and placed in conven­ ient form a m ultitude of extracts. Sm ith’s Bible D ictionary This is ano ther of th e books ju st re­ issued in th e new 'attractiv e form by the Doran Co. F o r the ordinary student, it is a very satisfactory help, and to ­ g ether w ith a good concordance and a topical tex t book, furnishes those of lim ited means a set of helps to Bible study th a t is sufficient. $3. New Gospel Solos Those who are making use of Gospel solos will be greatly in terested in a new pam phlet published by Prof. Her­ b ert G. Tbvey of the Bible In stitu te. This contains several new solos by Mr. Tovey and-one by K eith L. Brooks. Mr. Tovey’s songs are always appreciated by Gospel singers, and we th ink these la st th e best he has ever w ritten. The price of th e booklet is only ten cents.

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