King's Business - 1921-12

T HE K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S


CHURCHES FU LL O F JONAHS Dr. Charles Hurlburt once made the statem ent th at God had called enough men in every generation to evangelize the world in th at generation. If th at is the case, then there are many, many spiritual m isfits in th e world—Chris­ tians who are in wrong places. Is it not true? The churches are full of people who, at one time or another, felt the call to some special service for Christ. At the time they thought the cost too great— their parents or friends “pooh, poohed” it—and they rebelled. Now they have lived, many of them, to count the cost of not obeying the voice of God. The greatest risk is in not abandoning our­ selves to God. It is absolutely impossible to be happy anywhere but in the center of God’s absolute will. To sidetrack H is purpose for our lives is to bring sure chastise­ ment upon ourselves. He who gave us life is best able to control our lives. He knows best in what place and at what time we should serve. There are many Jonahs—those distinctly called of God who don’t respond. They “rise up to flee.” God opens a door and they climb out a window. Like Jonah, they must “pay the fare thereof.” Follow-the Spirit’s leading and He will pay the fare—“No good thing will He withhold.” He will give strength for very task; He will give perfect con­ fidence and happiness under all circum­ stances when we are in His will. “He shall supply ALL your needs according to H is riches in glory by Christ Jesus.” Africa, China, are ju st as near to heaven as America. Christian—are you called of God to stay where you are at th e present time? Is th e seal of God’s approval on your life where you are? God is calling loud­ ly for “laborers for the harvest.” Never was there such need for workers. Will you tru st God to lead your life?

^UHUIIIII!IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIinillilllUllHIIIHIIimilillinilllllllllllIlliMlli[)HiUirillllUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIg Lead Us Not Into Temptation > | Dr. A . T. Pierson .


Matthew 6:13. HIS petition in th e Lord’s P ray er has caused no little controversy. Our Lord says elsewhere, “Watch and pray

th a t ye en ter not into tem p tation .” But th a t God cannot be tempted w ith evil, n eith er tem p teth He any man, is the definite teaching of the Epistle of James. If God leads into temptation, ■is He not th e accomplice of evil? And as th a t is inconceivable, why are we ta u g h t to ask Him not to lead us into tem ptation? Tem ptation here involves more th an th e testing of character by discipline and affliction, as th e word is used in Jam es 1:2. The whole con­ tex t implies th a t tem ptation here means solicitation to evil doing, nor will it suffice to paraph rase th is petition so as to make it read, “So lead us th a t we may no t get on tem p tation ’s te rrito ry or be exposed to overwhelming allu re­ ments,” which is a common way of evading w hat seems to be a real diffi­ culty. Is th ere not a sense in which we can and ought to pray not to be led in to tem p tation? The word of God seems to us to teach in many p arts and ways th a t it is p art of th e punishm ent of evil th a t God sub­ jects sinners to extraordinary expo­ sures. He judicially abandons wilful transgressors to th e ir evil courses, as He hardened the h ea rt of P haraoh, as He sent an evil sp irit to harass Saul, md as He gave Jud as over to th e pecu­ liar influence of Satan. The last half of th e first chapter of Romans th ree tim es represents God as giving over wilful evil-doers to th e sway of evil. May it not he some such judicial aban­ donment against which we are to pray?

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