Hospice Training Guide



General Guidelines for Emergencies in the Home (Weather emergencies, explosions, power outages, water outages, sheltering-in, other disasters) • Keep emergency phone numbers by phone. • Locate First Aid kit and instructions. • Confirm fire extinguisher is in date. • Locate flashlight, batteries, candles, and matches/ lighters. • Have three days of food or water. • Place important papers in a safe, protected place. • Gather glasses, dentures, medicine, and clothes. • Have vehicle serviced and filled with gas. • Follow recommendations of local authorities. • Be prepared to leave quickly. Develop an evacu- ation plan for fire that includes how to evacuate those who need help to walk or are confined to bed. • Plan ahead in case of a situation or disaster that requires the patient to leave the home. • Develop a plan for where the patient may be moved to and have a backup plan in place in case the pri- mary plan is not an option when a need arises. • Decide specifically who will do what and be sure to communicate the plan to everyone involved. • If a crisis occurs, call 911. • Call Four Seasons to ask about possible emergency respite for the patient. Fire Safety • There should be at least one functioning smoke detector for each level of your home. EMERGENCIES & DISASTERS

• Make sure all pathways are clear. NEVER BLOCK AN EXIT. • Fireplaces and space heaters should not be left unattended while in use. Weather Emergencies Tornado Safety • In the event of a tornado move to the lowest level or basement of the home. • If there is no basement, move to an interior room or hallway that does not have windows. • If the patient is unable to leave their room or go to another level of the home, they should be moved towards an inner wall and covered up with blankets. • Close all blinds and drapes in the room to aide in reducing flying glass if the window(s) break. Electrical Outage • Call and report problem to the electric company. • If using an oxygen concentrator, switch to back-up oxygen tanks. • Notify staff at Four Seasons so that we can alert the oxygen company to provide additional oxygen as needed. Water Outage • Call the water company. • Use bottled-water for drinking if available. • Restrict use of available water.



Four Seasons

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