Once you are admitted to Four Seasons hospice care service, you are assigned a Four Seasons Care Team. Your Care Team meets, at a minimum, every fifteen days to update one another and collaborate regarding your care. Your Care Team typically consists of the following members and is flexible based on your needs and preferences for care. The services offered by your Four Seasons Care Team are based on your specific goals, your questions, and your concerns. Your Care Team respects your privacy, personal choices, cultural and/or religious customs, family traditions, gender identity, and sexual orientation. HOSPICE CARE TEAM MEMBERS RN CARE MANAGER (NURSE)
SOCIAL WORKER Your social worker helps you identify your primary goals and concerns, strengthen your coping abili- ties in times of stress, and supports your family and relationships. They can provide useful information about planning your care, solving problems, com- munity and financial resources, and support for caregivers/family. Your social worker can also ar- range visits with Four Seasons Volunteers. A social worker is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. PHYSICIAN/MEDICAL PROVIDER A Four Seasons medical provider (physician, phy - sician assistant, or nurse practitioner) is available to consult with your existing medical provider, or can serve as your hospice medical provider if you choose. Your medical provider will focus on your overall comfort and daily functional needs. A medi - cal provider is available to consult with your team 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Your nurse will regularly evaluate your physical symptoms and care needs. They can help you with concerns or questions about managing your pain, other symptoms, how to use your medications, and the stages of your illness. Your nurse will also co- ordinate the care of your entire Care Team and will frequently talk with your primary care provider. A nurse is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. CERTIFIED NURSING ASSISTANT (CNA)/ HOSPICE AIDE As you or your caregivers need additional assistance to meet your personal care needs, a certified nursing assistant/hospice aide will become part of your Care Team. They will compassionately and respectfully help you with bathing, grooming, dressing, toileting, nutrition, and skin care needs in collaboration with your nurse.
Four Seasons
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