VOLUNTEER A volunteer can become a member of your Care Team. Volunteers are selected based on similar in- terests, hobbies, and geographic proximity. Volun- teers are available to visit with you and your loved one on a scheduled basis for companionship, emo- tional support, providing respite, and more. Four Seasons relies on a dedicated group of vol- unteers to provide special services to our patients and families. They truly give from the heart and in doing so, provide not only physical and emotion - al support to our patients, but peace of mind to family members. Many of our volunteers have had family or friends receive hospice care which makes them an invaluable member of your Care Team. Volunteers: • Receive extensive training classes • Are evaluated regularly • Are committed to maintaining your privacy • Adhere to our Mission and Values • Bring a great deal of life experience • Add quality of life to the patient’s journey What Volunteers Can Do For Patients & Families: • Companionship: socialization, friendly conversation, or a listening ear • Respite: staying with a patient while a caregiver runs errands or takes a break • Pet Therapy: bringing a registered pet to visit • Taking patient’s pet to be groomed • Transportation • Grocery Shopping and Errands • Letter Writing • Life Review: recording you or your family’s story on tape or video • Helping to organize paperwork • Helping to celebrate a special occasion • Helping with special requests
SPIRITUAL COUNSELOR A chaplain with special training in spirituality and end-of-life care is available to help with questions and concerns regarding your faith, ethical issues, or purpose in life; support your search for meaning and hope, assist with alleviating spiritual distress; read sacred and inspirational writings; pray with you and your family; address ceremonial or ritual needs; help with grief, suffering, and the many emotions that surround facing a terminal illness; and assist with funeral/memorial services. To receive this support, please speak with a member of your Care Team. GRIEF SERVICES TEAM Members of the Grief Services Team are available to offer support throughout the transition toward the end of life and also to help navigate the grief process after a loss. For families with children and teens, a counselor who specializes in caring for grieving children and teens is also available. MUSIC THERAPIST Music therapy interventions are designed to in - crease quality of life, and alleviate pain and other symptoms, which can relieve stress for patients and families. Music therapists use a variety of techniques, including imagery-work, live music in- terventions, song-writing, assisted relaxation, and verbal processing/counseling. OTHER CARE TEAM MEMBERS Your Care Team may contract with other qualified healthcare providers for services necessary for your optimal function and symptom management. These may include:
• Physical therapy • Speech therapy • Dietary consultant • Occupational therapy • Respiratory therapy
The list is not inclusive of all the services that our Volunteers can provide. Let us know how we can make you and your loved one more comfortable.
If your condition improves such that you cease to be eligible for hospice care, or your goals change, our Palliative Care team is available to help support you. Four Seasons also offers additional services such as Care Navigation and Home Care that can help support you and your loved one.
Four Seasons
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