King's Business - 1956-05

work of the kingdom, as the power of God. W h o can say what power a church could develop and exercise, if it gave itself to the work of prayer day and night for the com ­ ing of the kingdom, for God’s power on His servants and His W ord , for the glorifying of God in the salva­ tion of souls? Most churches think their members are gathered into one simply to take care o f and build up each other. They know not that God rules the world by the prayers of His saints; that prayer is the power b y w h i c h S a t a n is com quered; that by prayer the Church on earth has disposal of the powers of the heavenly world. Th ey do not remember that Jesus has, by His promise, consecrated every as­ sembly in His name to be a gate of heaven, where His presence is to be felt, and His power experienced in the Father fulfilling their desires. Lord, Teach Us to Pray Blessed Lord, who didst in Thy high-priestly prayer ask so earnest­ iff°rtheunity°f people, teach us how Thou dost invite and urge us to this un ity by T h y pre­ cious p r o m i s e g i v e n to united f ra^er-A is.wlT we ara love and desire that our faith has T h y presence and the Father’s an­ swer. 0 Father, we pray for T h y peo­ ple and for every smaller circle of those who meet together that they m ay be one. Remove, we pray, all selfishness and self-interest, all nar­ rowness of heart and estrangement by which that un ity is hindered. Cast out the spirit of the world and the flesh through which T h y prom ­ ise loses all its power. O let the thought of T h y presence and the Father’s favor draw us all nearer to each other. Grant especially, blessed Lord, that T h y Church m ay believe that it is b y the power o f united prayer that she can bind and loose in hea­ ven; that Satan can be cast out; that souls can be saved; that moun­ tains can be removed; that the kingdom can be hastened. And grant, good Lord, that in the circle with wh ich I pray, the prayer o f the Church m ay indeed be the power through wh ich T h y name and W ord are glorified. Amen. END.


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by Andrew Murray


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