Wind-twisted Jeffrey’s Pine photographed at the 8,000 foot level in California?s Yosemite National Park.
Number two in a series of photo stories on education in California
College & Jim Poure Jim Poure’s hobby is photography. Jim is a big rugged fellow who loves to take his Rolleicord camera and head for picturesque, out-of-the-way places. Jim’s hobby is one reason why he likes going to college in California. Jim is a student at the Biola Bible College (a school of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Inc.). He wants to be a public school teacher and at Biola he has found what he considers the ideal combination: high academic standing with a strong spiritual emphasis. Biola offers a Bible College granting B.A. degree with majors in Bible, Christian education, public school education, psychology (with emphasis on guidance and counseling), music, philosophy, English, history. In addition to Biola Bible College there is Talbot Theological Seminary, School of Missionary Medicine and two year Bible Institute. Biola graduates include Donald G. Barnhouse, Percy Crawford, Charles E. Fuller, Dick and Don Hillis, Irwin Moon, Dawson Trotman. 16 -page picture-story booklet Write today for your free copy of this beautiful 16-page picture-story booklet. Big 8 x 10 photos showing scenic and educational sites of Southern California. From rugged snow-covered mountains to lush orange groves. See for yourself why so many students are coming to sunny Southern California, lust ask for picture-story booklet. BIBLE INSTITUTE OFLOS ANGELES, INC. 558 So.HopeSt., Los Angeles 17, Calif.
Jim Poure is in training at the Biola Bible College to be a public school teacher. Recently Jim told a friend: "The standards here at Biola definitely encourage students to a life of separation from the things of the world and unto the things of the Lord."
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