King's Business - 1956-05

Without the Word — AFRICANS are educated heathen • Only 1 4% of Africa's population is “ Christian” * Mohammedanism and Communism are appealing to educated Africans • Life in many places still centers around pagan orgies * Even many educated Africans are still ruled by heathen superstitions, taboos and fears • Witch doctors still ply their dastardly trade * The civilized, cultured African also needs Christ

. Africans are being taught to read. W ill they read Communist propaganda, the literature of false re­ ligions, or the Truth of the Gospel? Only the Word of God can save Africa from edu­ cated heathenism! Will you help us take the Word to Africa? Write today for a free copy of our Quarterly with news of conversions among the Mau Maus. ALFRED A. KUNZ, International Director

Study Questions on Chapter 6 1. How does our Lord teach that the law was not meant to make God’s people slaves? (w . 1-5.) Legality is still one of the great hindrances in the church. See also verses 6-11. 2. What was the means used by our Lord for power and guidance in His humanity? (v. 12.) 3. In the study of the list of dis­ ciples use a Bible dictionary and jot down the characteristics of each one. You will be amazed to see how our Lord welded these men of such diverse personalities into* wonderful unity. How does this apply to us today? Study Questions on Chapter 7 1. What kind of a man was the centurian of verses 1-10? 2. How is his faith demonstrated in this section? 3. How did this man’s faith appeal to Christ? (v. 9.) What is the mean­ ing of this statement? 4. How is the tender heart of Christ revealed in verses 11-18? 5. Why did John ask the question in verse 19? What was the proof that Jesus was the true Messiah? (vv. 21, 22 .) 6. What is the Lord’s commenda­ tion of John the Baptist? (vv. 24-29.) 7. What is the meaning of the last .sentence of verse 28? List the special privileges of the New Testament be­ liever over those of the Old Testa­ ment believer. 8. What is the central truth of the parable of verses 36-50? Are you fully appreciative of all that God has done for you through Christ? How do you show your gratitude? Study Questions on Chapter 8 1. Why is it such a wonderful thing to be included in the kingdom of God? (v. 1.) 2. How did the women mentioned in verse 2 serve the Lord? Can we serve Him in the same way? Are you? 3. What is it that marks a person as a member of the family of God? (w . 19-21.) Let us recall that good works do not make a man a Chris­ tian, but they do indicate whether or not he is one. 4. What one thing displeases the Lord the most? (v. 25.) How does He feel about you? 5. What do you learn about demons in verses 26-39? CONTINUED

360 million Indians need your prayers! Training national workers is a sound investment; $10 a month pro­ vides board and room for one student at the Hindustan Bible Institute in Madras, India. WE TRAIN NATIONAL MISSIONARIES IN INDIA For more complete information, write: Hindustan Hible Institute 1059 S. Hope St., Los Angeles 15, Calif.

N. Paul V. Gupta General Director

H a n d e r

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THE "THINGS TO DO" SERIES by Vernon and Carolyn Howard Handcrafts and activities for boys and girls from 8 to 12. Included are 28 illustrated ideas. Boys learn to build kites, boomerangs, etc. Girls will find recipes, aprons, etc. Books in the series are: THINGS A BOY CAN DO THINGS A GIRL CAN DO THINGS A BOY CAN MAKE THINGS A GIRL CAN MAKE







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