King's Business - 1956-05

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Does this lesson need to be learned by all of us? 2. Does our Lord favor the denom­ inational spirit? (w . 49, 50.) 3. Why did our Lord set His face like a flint for Jerusalem? (v. 51.) 4. What spirit did our Lord con­ demn in verses 52-56? 5. Why did the Saviour discourage the prospective followers of verses 57- 62? Study Questions on Chapter 10 1. What prayer burden does our Lord lay on the heart of the church? (vv. i , 2.) 2. Should the Christian worker per­ sist in pleading and begging stubborn hearts to surrender to Christ? (w . 2- 12 .) 3. What will be the basis of the coming judgment? (w . 13-16.) 4. What was the feeling in the hearts of the disciples as they repre­ sented the Saviour? (v. 17.) Do you know anything of this? 5. What is to be the main cause of rejoicing on the part of the believer? (v. 20.) Study Questions on Chapter 10 ( Continued) 1. What is one of the marks of teachableness? (v. 21.) 2. How is the sovereignty of Christ in granting spiritual knowledge re­ vealed in verse 22? 3. What should be the attitude of those who can understand the Word of God? (w . 23,24.) 4. How does the Lord Jesus answer the question as to the identity of a believer’s neighbor? (w . 25-37.) 5. What is the heart truth of this parable? (v. 37.) Study Questions on Chapters 10 and 11 1. In what sense was Mary an es­ pecially wise woman? (10:39.) 2. What lesson do we learn from the incident of 10:38-42? 3. List the values and benefits of studying the Word of God. 4. Why did the disciples ask the petition of 11:1? 5. Analyze the prayer of 11:2-4. When will the petition for the com­ ing of the kingdom be fulfilled? Should the believer be overly anxious about tomorrow? (v. 3.) Is a forgiv- CONTINUED ! MA Y , 19 56

• see page 5

"WHAT I FOUND AT WESTMONT" (No. 1 of a, series)


Marilyn Snyder and Dale Myers The rich experience of college becomes more meaningful when presented by fac­ ulty who extend personal friendships and wise understanding that reach beyond classroom hours. M. S. The warmest experiences' in my college career have been times spent with a fac­ ulty member who insists our relationship be one of sincere Christian brotherhood. d : M.

More important than mere attain­ ment of scholarship is the possession of character. But when these two qualities are combined in one the result is an individual who lives above the commonplace — able to serve his fellowmen well. To this end the faculty is dedicated, and for this purpose Westmont was founded. Westmont offers a well-balanced cur­ riculum with majors in the following fields: Bible History Biology Music Chemistry Natural Science Christian Education Psychology Education Sociology English Social Science • Summer term starts June 4. Leading Evangelical Christian College of the Southwest "on the shores of the blue Pacific."

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Investigate today the cultural, scholastic and spiritual advantages of Westmont.

For information write Registrar, Westmont College, 955 LaPaz Rd.,

Santa Barbara, Calif. • Roger J. Voskuyl, Ph.D., Pres. 33

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