King's Business - 1956-05

LESSON: Is t h e r e a n y o n e s t r o n g enough to break this match? Billy is one of the smallest boys here this

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LESSON: Today we again see the three blocks on the two black cords. Moses is back with his people in bondage. This time he is going to do what God tells him to do and he will be success­ ful. Moses had objected to being sent back to Egypt saying that the chil­ dren of Israel would not believe him and that he was not a good speaker. Finally the Lord told Moses that Aaron would speak to Israel for him. Pharaoh’s heart was hardened, and although Moses performed 12 mir­ acles and nine plagues had come upon the land of Egypt, he would not let the people go. We will tie a knot in this cord to show how securely they were bound. This time, you will note that Moses is tied together with the Israelites. (Take the cord which does not go through the “ E” block and with the end of one of the other cords, tie a single knot.)

morning and we will let him try to break it. It is easily broken and I am sure that anyone of you could have done it. Did you know that Moses, the great lawgiver and leader of Israel, was like a match? There was a time in his life when he did not live close to God and he got himself into all kinds of trouble. He even killed a man and had to leave Egypt for fear of the king. As we see Moses bravely facing Pharaoh and then leading Israel out of bondage, we wonder what has changed him. We find that when the Lord told Moses to go down into Egypt to deliver His people, Israel, He said: “ Certainly I will be with thee.” We will let this bright nail remind us of the Lord and this match will represent Moses. I will put them close together. Now, we find that it is im­ possible to break the match. You can­ not break it unless you break the nail and you cannot do that. This ex­ plains why Moses was a strong leader. God was with him and he stayed close to God. If this match should be removed from the nail even an inch, it would be an easy thing to break it. Its safety is in staying close to the nail. We need to be strong like Moses but we can be strong only as we stay close to Christ. The Apostle Paul realized this and he wrote: “I can do all things t h r o u g h C h r i s t which strengtheneth me” (Phil. 4:13). Stay close to Christ and you will be strong. If you are away from Christ, even a short distance, you will be easily broken. May 27, 1956 T he P eople and the P assover OBJECTS: The cords and blocks used in the lesson two weeks ago and a red cloth a yard square. (Thread the cords through the blocks as described previously, except that both strands of the rope are put through the “ I” block.)


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The Lord told Moses that the 10th judgment would be the death of the first-born. “And the Lord said unto Moses, Yet will I bring one plague more upon Pharaoh, and upon Egypt; afterwards he will let you go hence: when he shall let you go, he shall surely thrust you out hence altogeth­ er” (Ex. 11:1). “And all the firstborn in the land of Egypt shall die, from the firstborn of Pharaoh that sitteth upon his throne, even unto the first­ born of the maidservant that is be­ hind the m ill; and all the firstborn of beasts” (Ex. 11:5). We will place this red cloth, which reminds us of the blood of the Pass- over lamb, over these blocks and see what happens. (Pull the cord out of the “ M ” and “ I” blocks allowing them to go free. The “ E” block will still be on the cord.) Look, Moses and the children of Israel are now free. It is good to know the way in which Moses and his people were freed, but it is also very important that we should know how sinners today are freed from sin. Their freedom comes through t r u s t i n g in the blood of Christ, even as Moses and the chil­ dren of Israel were freed when they trusted in the blood of the Passover lamb. END.

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