King's Business - 1956-05

About the March Issue

What every Christian should know about Moody Annuities HERE ARE THE ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS MOST FREQUENTLY ASKED... Perhaps, like many other Christians, you’ve heard a lot about annuities, but you’ve never read a simple, brief explanation o f what they are, and how they work. Then, this message is for you.

Sirs: You have assembled a wealth of valuable material that should reach the hearts of many men and women with the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. It will be our prayer that the Lord will richly bless the distribu­ tion of this tremendous testimony to the salvation of many precious souls. Chicago/ III. David R; Enlow Director of Publications Christian Business Men's Committee International Sirs: I am disappointed. The articles are like many long-winded sermons, dry and trite. They are hardly what I can put into the hands of a non-believer. I was hoping that the articles would be geared to pointing practical meth­ ods of coming to Christ and the prob­ lems to be faced in the process. Some­ thing about the wonderfulness of our Saviour would have been appropriate. Of course, the scriptural account of the woman at the well is always in­ spiring to read . . . I’m sending back the 10 copies I ordered. Brooklyn/ N.Y. Rev. James V. D'Amico Calvary Church of the Brethren Sirs: I think it is the most attractive issue of T he K ing ’ s B usiness I have seen. And especially from the stand­ point of typography and layout a splendid piece of work." The articles too are of good quality, although taken as a whole they seem to me to constitute “ raids” on secularism, rath­ er than a comprehensive challenge to all the spheres. Pasadena, Calif. Dr. Carl F. H. Henry Fuller Theological Seminary Cotton-Picking Preacher Sirs: As we are a youth group dedicated to the missionary service of our Lord, we would like to learn how we may help the “ Cotton-Picking Preacher” among the migrant workers of Bakers­ field. Could you send us his mailing address so that we may write to him and offer our services? San Fernando, Calif. Mrs. Eleanor Lively Rev. and Mrs. Leon Day’s mailing address is Rt. 3, Box 937, Bakersfield, Calif. — ED. Bible Study Users Sirs: I belong to the Bible study and prayer group of the Dairyland Meth­ odist Church and our group would like to take up the Bible study [see page 28] now offered in your maga­ zine. Since all members but four are already subscribing, please send information on rates for groups. Chowchilla, Calif. Velda M. Lawrence

a contribution. A certain portion o f the an­ nual annuity income is tax free. Only the taxable portion should be reported as in­ come. A statement for income tax purposes accompanies the agreement. How safe is your Annuity Agree­ ment under the Moody plan? The Moody Annuity Plan was instituted more than forty-five years ago and not once during this period have we missed making a payment. Unlike stocks, bonds, mortgages and other securities, no time is required to supervise your Moody Annuities, since there are no market fluctuations to worry about. Your return is steady, regular and on time. What different types of Moody Annuity Agreements are available? ( 1 ) Single Life Agreement is issued to one person, who will receive a specified in­ come for life. (2 ) Joint Agreement provides for payments to two annuitants jointly. On the death o f one, his payment is made to the survivor. (3) Survivorship Agreement provides for payment to one individual until his death, after which the payment is made to a second person, the survivor, named in the agreement. How you can get started in the Moody Annuity Plan Just send for fr e e booklet, “ D o u b le D ivid e n d s .” Fill in coupon and mail •today. ------------------------------------------------- 1 Carl J. Frizen, K56-22-1 Dept, o f Stewardship MOODY BIBLE INSTITUTE 820 N. La Salle Street • Chicago 10, Illinois □ Please send me "DOUBLE DIVIDENDS," story o f Moody Annuity Plan. O Please send folder, "You Can Take It With You” relating to stewardship and wills.

What is an annuity? In simple dictionary terms, an annuity is a specific amount of money paid to an in­ dividual at regular periodic intervals. How much money you receive and how often you receive it depends on which o f several kinds of annuity agreements you enter into. Basically, a Moody Annuity Agreement is a legal contract by which m o o d y bib le in s t it u t e , in appreciation of a gift of money for its work, promises to pay the donor a fixed sum of money at regular in­ tervals as long as he lives. Why do people buy Moody Annuities? Suppose you want to make a contribution to help support the work of Moody. At the same time you need a certain sum of money coming in regularly for living expenses. So, let us say, you make a gift of $1,000. Part o f this sum will immediately be used to support the daily needs of the Moody min­ istry, and the rest will be set aside in a fund to guarantee you a regular income for as long as you live. Some of the soul-winning activities of Moody that your money will help under­ write are the tuition-free Day and Evening Schools, Radio Station WMBI, the gospel literature work, and the gospel-science films. You can enter into a Moody Annuity Agreement for as little as $300, and there is no “ceiling” on how big an annuity you can purchase. How much income do you receive? It’s possible to receive a return of up to 814%, but you must keep in mind that annuity rates are figured like insurance rates, in that the size of the payments you receive are based on your age at the time you take out your annuity. They are also based on the size of your g ift. . . the larger the sum, the bigger your income. For ex­ ample, if you purchase a $1,000 annuity when you are 65 (female 70) years o f age, your annual income for life would be $59.22. If you are 70 (female 75) when you make your annuity contract, you would receive a life income o f $64.66 per year. Annuity payments may be made to you on a semiannual or annual basis, whichever you prefer. That portion o f the annuity sum which is considered the gift to the Institute is an allowable deduction from income taxes as

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