King's Business - 1956-05

results: S P E C I A L I S S U E N o doubt many of you are wondering what the response has been to our special Christianity issue. It’s a great joy to report to you that so many of you faithful readers ordered copies for friends and loved ones that we had to increase our print run by some 60% . Reports are already coming in of real blessing and salvation. W on ’t each of you join us in a mighty wave of prayer of thanks to our blessed Saviour for His good­ ness in this matter. Let us also continue to ask Him to use this special issue to reach many other hearts who are hungry. You will also be glad to know that this time we made the print run big enough to have plenty of extra copies. These extra copies are still available at 25c each or 5 for just $1 (you will recall there is no date on the cover or at the bottom of the pages so this issue will be good indefinitely). W on ’t you prayerfully use the order blank on this page to send copies where they are so desperately needed. Name----------------------------- --------------------------------------------------- Please Print Address------------------------------------------------------------------------------- City.________________________ i ________________ Zone________ State-------- :-------- ............ :------------------------------------- Address______________________________________ —— ----- i-------------------------- City_______________________;_________________ Zone________ State_________________ Name___________________________________________ :-------------------------- ] --------- Address_________!_____________ ;___________________________________ \ ------------- l — City_________________________________________ Zone________ State----------------- Name___ _______________________________________________________________ j__________ Address_____________________________________ j ______________________________ ________ City------------------------------------------ Zone______ _ State----------------- Name___ ______________ t Name________________________________________ s___________:_____________________ j__________________ Address______________________________________ ____________________________________________________ City______________________________________ — Zone________ State_____________;__________________ The King's Business 558 So. Hope St., Los Angeles 17, Calif. COPIES FOR YOUR FRIENDS 5 for $1


Lu^ldtfT\eM - . . . a one-theme Bible course that's ready to teach! The intriguing, full- co lo r pupil’ s books, PKE-CIIT through Primary . . . “step-by-step” teacher’s manuals . . . PRE-CUT visual aids . . . exciting A dventure - |£ and contest . . . colorful decoration (packet . . . advertising helps, and a c b lo r fu l dow n-to-the-last-detail L eader ’ s G uidebook . . . are all pre-planned and correlated to help you reach children, and let them RK . . see Jesus” this summer!

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C ^ o i p e J L L < A ^ ~ ”F W 4 _ - Glendale 4, California . Mound, Minnesota □ For enclosed $2.25, send me "The King's Adventureland” Sample Kit. □ Send me free Information on the new VBS course, “The King's Adventureland.” Dept. KB5 Name_________________________________________

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