Kemēcemenaw: Menominee Food Sovereignty


When building Indigenous community food systems, Tribal communities may want to have discussions on what traditions and values guide this planning. It is helpful to have these discussions early as this can help provide structure to programming and any outreach activities. For the Menominee Food Sovereignty project, planners were mindful of these systems and became more intentional about planning as work progressed. Indigenous planning systems vary by region, location, and Tribal community and this eFieldbook is mindful of the diversity throughout Turtle Island. For Menominee, there are multiple systems that guide planning. These systems are related to each other and not one system stands alone. Some are specific to the Menominee people and others have been adapted to fit the community. Information here is purposely vague and it is hoped that what is shared sparks local discussion about ways you can integrate culture into food sovereignty efforts. The Menominee Clan system has five main clans, with several clans within the main clans. Traditionally, the clan system was a way to share information, to make decisions, to address responsibilities, and to perpetuate knowledge. The following provides some information about clans’ relationships with food systems.

Aw ǣ hsaeh . Bears are speakers and preservers of peace for Menominee. They make sure that systems run smoothly. Other clans within the main clan have responsibilities to maple sugar.

Kenēw . Golden Eagles are leaders and protectors of the community. They kept the fire and worked to make sure it was available for all the people.

Mahw ǣ w . Wolves are the hunters. They prepare for hunts.

Mōs . Moose are the guardians of wild rice. They have an inherent connection to rice, protecting wild rice beds, ensuring rice is shared, and monitoring harvesting.

Ot ǣ ciah . Cranes are the builders. Members of the crane clan may create tools needed for harvesting, storing, and storage.

What cultural stories can we share about the seasons, moons, clans?


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