Kemēcemenaw: Menominee Food Sovereignty


Depending on the state you live in and the influence agriculture has on its economy, state agencies may be open to working with you toward a goal of sustainability. In states where agriculture does not play a major role, there may not be an opportunity to collaborate with state agencies, and then you need to look for other groups — such as educational institutions, not-for-profits, and faith-based organizations that might be interested in your goals of healthy living and preserving Indigenous food. On the Menominee Indian Reservation, the College of Menominee Nation built a strong relationship with the University of Wisconsin Division of Extension after many years of having no relationship at all. It took a genuine interest in knowing that the best partnerships come from being able to understand each other’s needs and what each other partner can bring to the table that can benefit both sides. Now the local UW- Division of Extension is housed on the College of Menominee Nation campus. Both partners are able to plan and organize community education and avoid overlap or duplication of services.

What are some state agencies that can support Indigenous Food Sovereignty work? (school lunch programs, child and family services, health and human services, agriculture and trade programs, natural resources, etc.)

Is there a local or regional Extension office in your area?

What type of work is your local public health office involved with?

What grassroots and not-for-profit groups in your area work with health issues?


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