Kemēcemenaw: Menominee Food Sovereignty

The “Garden Time is Family Time” workshop series addressed gaps in garden education as identified in a survey completed by the Menominee Wellness Initiative. This survey was distributed at multiple community events. The theme for the series was created to connect to Menominee values around family and intergenerational learning. Each session in this series was designed based on community needs identified from survey results. The series consisted of four workshops delivered in April 2019, a month before the growing season. The goal of the garden series was to build individual and community capacity through education and hands- on learning. For each workshop, extension division resources are adapted to fit the culture of the community. Both Menominee and Western planting methods were shared; traditional storytelling and language were included; and time was given to participants to share knowledge from their families. Often, participants shared memories of gardening with their grandmothers, aunties, and uncles. These garden sessions also provided participants with the materials and resources they needed to grow food and plants at home. The first workshop focused on helping gardeners design their garden space and learn about Three Sisters Gardening and container gardening. Participants left the workshop with corn, beans, and squash seeds. The second workshop concentrated on seed starting, and each person or family left with starter plants and seed tapes. The third workshop — taught by a Menominee elder — focused on growing calendula. The class members learned about the benefits of the flower and how to make salve from calendula, and each left with their own salve and calendula flower seeds to plant in their own gardens. Our final workshop provided information on selling at the local farmers market and ways to make gardens pollinator-friendly. The farmers market information included market rules, college support to encourage participation, and free advertising. The April 2019 workshop series served 94 people.

What gardening topics are of interest in your community?

Which families in your community are known for their gardening expertise?

Are there local farmers markets/co-ops that you could partner with?

Who can you partner with to help teach gardening workshops? This includes program experts and community experts.


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