Kemēcemenaw: Menominee Food Sovereignty

At the end o f the pilot season, we sent a survey to assess participants’ experience with the program. Survey distribution methods included electronic access and snail mail. We received 19 completed surveys, and all said they would like to participate again. CSA program participants also received a five-tray food dehydrator at the end of the program. In rural areas where individuals find it difficult to access affordable, healthy food, CSA programs and local farmers markets are essential for engaging the community in activities focused on building a community of growers and health.

Who can you contact to find local growers?

What organizations or community partners can you contact to donate funding to support CSA boxes?

Are there opportunities for local/community growers to donate produce to CSA boxes?


CSA application (pdf)

CSA Survey (pdf)

 McDougal Farm Newsletter June 13th 2019 (pdf)


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